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Alfred Augustus Warland (1857 - 1942)

Note: Some information on this page was provided by Bob Anderson via his book The Alvonian Andersons' and is reproduced here with his family's permission.

Alfred Augustus Warland (29 November 1857 - 1942) was the son of Thomas Alfred Warland (1828 - 1880) and Sarah McLean (1827 - 1859).

It is believed that Alfred Warland first lived with his mother's brother at Emu Plains but then left home at the age of 14 and headed north to Queensland. There he is believed to have worked as a jackeroo and boundary rider. He reached Blackall in West Queensland and acquired a property which he called Nepean Downs. His believed to have purchased other properties as well including one on the Darling Downs. At the age of 20 he was said (in family history passed down) to have married a Lillian in 1877 but there is no record of this in either NSW or Queensland records.

Nowland family

Michael Nowland (senior) came to Australia with Governor Gidley King and was appointed superintendent of convicts. One of Michael's son, William Nowland, took up country near Armidale and later the family owned a station on Liverpool Plans and the greater portion of Warrah Ridge. (Source: The Maitland Mercury, 10 April 1930). According to the Singleton Argus, William Nowland was the first to take a dray over the Liverpool Range and accordingly was probably the first discoverer of the route then known as 'The Gap'. William's wife was named Mary A and they had several children: Michael Nowland (born 1834, NSW BDM Ref 724/1834 V1834724 19), Robert Nowland (born 1836, NSW BDM Ref 1244/1836 V18361244 20), James Nowland (born 1838, NSW BDM Ref 1312/1838 V18381312 22), Charles Nowland (born 1840, NSW BDM Ref 1653/1840 V18401653 24A), Alexander Nowland (born 1846, NSW BDM Ref 2813/1846 V18462813 34A), and George Nowland (born 1847, NSW BDM Ref 2814/1847 V18472814 34A).

Michael Nowland married Martha Squire in 1862 in Armidale (NSW BDM Ref 1248/1862). Their children were Clara Nowland (born 1862, NSW BDM Ref 4412/1862), William Nowland (born 1864, NSW BDM Ref 4713/1864 - died 1865 NSW BDM Ref 2301/1865), Amy Nowland (born 1865, NSW BDM Ref 5099/1865), Laura Nowland (born 1869, NSW BDM Ref 14500/1869), Maud Nowland (born 1871, NSW BDM Ref 13678/1871), Minnie Nowland (born 1875, NSW BDM Ref 15315/1875) and the likely twin sister Susan Nowland (born 1875, NSW BDRM Ref 15316/1875), Mildred Nowland (born 1876, NSW BDM Ref 15914/1876), and Beatrice Nowland (born 1879, NSW BDM Ref 18433). The family moved to Blackall some time before 1886, where Alfred Warland was to meet Laura Nowland.

1884 - Death of William Nowland

William Nowland (born Windsor in September 1804) died at Campberwell in NSW on 28 April 1884 aged 80.

1884 - Alfred Warland a carrier

Alfred Warland was recorded as a carrier in The Capricornian on 28 June 1884 making a trip from Pine Hill to Blackall in 12 days. The Morning Bulletin of Rockhampton recorded on 18 July 1884 that he had been granted a carriers licence.

1886 - Death of Michael Nowland

On 9 April 1886, Michael Nowland died, aged 52, at Jericho, not far from Blackall. According to his death notice in The Brisbane Courier on 16 April 1886, Michael Nowland was the second son of the late William Nowland, of Rosedale, Campberwell.

1887 - Alfred Warland living in Blackall, marriage of Amy Nowland

By 1887, Alfred had taken up residence in Blackall which is about 100 kms south of Longreach and about 600 kms west of Rockhampton in Queensland. At some point he met Laura Nowland.

On 25 May 1887, Amy Nowland, 'the second daughter of the late Michael Noland [sic]', married Frederick Robert James (this marriage does not appear to be registered in the NSW BDM Records online). Amy's sister Maude was the bridesmaid, while Mr John Castree (brother in law of the bride) was the best man. The music for the event was provided by Miss Perry, C J James, and Alfred Warland. The Queensland Figaro and Punch of 11 June 1887 also noted that four more weddings were planned in Blackall after a seven year gap, and that 'amongst these, another Noland is to be the victim'. A marriage notice was placed in The Western Champion (Blackall/Barcaldine) on 31 May 1887.

1887 - Alfred Warland marries Laura Nowland

The Western Champion of Blackall/Barcaldine of 2 August 1887 recorded that Alfred Warland married Miss Laura Nowland (1869 - 29 Aug 1942) on Wednesday 27 July 1887 (QLD BDM Ref C44) at Blackall 'by our local expert, the Rev J D Mably' (an article in the Figaro and Punch stated that they were 'suitably amalgamated'). According to the article '... to say the bride looked pretty is not sufficiently expressive, for she looked really handsome'. Alfred and Laura married at the residence of Laura's mother, Mrs M Nowland. Mr J Castree was the best man and Miss Minnie Nowland was the bridesmaid. 25 guests were present and 'a very pleasant evening was spent'.

Alfred and Laura Warland had the following children:

In February 1888, the newly married Alfred Warland won a tender to cart stone from a quarry to the main street of Blackall. (Source: Morning Bulletin, Rockhampton, 3 February 1888). In July 1888, Alfred Warland was recorded as being qualified to vote at the Election of Members of the Legislative Assembly for the Electoral DIstrict of Barcoo, within the Division of Blackall. (Source: The Western Champion (Blackall/Barcaldine) 31 July 1888.)

Alfred and Laura Warland's first child, Ethel Laurie Warland, was born on 27 December 1888 at the home of her parents in Blackall. (SOurce: The Western Champion (Blackall/Barcaldine) 8 January 1889). Note that the Queensland BDM records this date as 1889.

On 19 January 1889, Alfred Warland was recorded as being a delegate of the Blackall and Tambo Carriers' Society at the annual meeting of the Central Queensland Carriers' Union. (Source: The Brisbane Courier, 19 January 1889)

In January 1890, Alfred Warland was recorded in the annual meeting of the Unions on 2 January 1890 (Source: The Western Champion, Blackall/Barcaldine, 7 January 1890), and at a meeting of Carriers (Source: The Morning Bulletin, Rockhampton, on 9 January 1890). Alfred was visited by an 'electioneering tour' on the part of one Roland Quiz in 1893. The report stated that the 25 miles into Blackall was '... one dreary picture of barrenness' with homesteads deserted because of drought and few and emaciated livestock. Alfred Warland was noted as being in charge at 'Paradise', whence he took the visitor to a well made in the bed of Dismal Creek where the water was 'very good and plentiful'. (Source: The Western Champion and General Advertiser for the Central-Western Districts 13 June 1893). Heavy rain fell in February 1894, filling a tank on Alfred Warland's selection. (Source The Capricornian, 24 February 1894).

Martha Nowland, the daughter of John Squire and Maria Ann (?) died at Blackall aged 52 in 1893 (QLD BDM Ref C115, also death notice in The Western Champion and General Advertiser for the Central-Western Districts Barcaldine) 7 March 1893).

On 7 October 1895, Alfred Warland successfully applied for additional land in the Blackall area. (Source: The Capricornian, 12 October 1895. See also The Western Champion (Blackall/Barcaldine) 14 February 1888).

On 1 March 1897, Alfred Warland along with J Austin and George Ward, were charged at the Barcaldine Police Court with 'driving stock across the quarantine border without a permit'. As a Mr Hooper was away on leave the cases were adjourned until the following day. (Source: The Western Champion and General Advertiser for the Central-Western Districts 2 March 1897 p. 8). On 14 March 1897, The Western Champion and General Advertiser for the Central-Western Districts noted that good rain had fallen around Blackall. The article made reference to 'Nepean Downs (Warland's)', suggesting that was the name of his selection. On Monday 15 March 1897, Alfred Warland pleaded guilty to crossing the quarantine line with cattle. He pleaded ignorance of the boundary and showed that he was 'merely taking cattle to a neighbouring selection'. He was fined 10s. (Source: Queensland Times, Ipswich Herald and General Advertiser Tuesday 16 March 1897 p. 5).

The Western Champion and General Advertiser for the Central-Western Districts on 3 May 1898 confirmed the name of Alfred Warland's selection as 'Nepeon [sic] Downs'. By January 1899, Alfred Warland was recorded living at Dismal Creek, Blackall. He was granted a 'Commission of Police', as recorded in the Morning Bulletin, Rockhampton, of 21 January 1899.

1900 - The Warland family departs Blackall

The summer of January/February 1900 was difficult for many farmers in the Blackall/Jericho area. According to the Morning Bulletin (Rockhampton) of 14 February 1900, Mr A J Elliott and Mr A A Warland were granted 'because of the exceptionally bad season' to water sheep at Douglas Ponds. Out of concern at the loss of water, it was considered necessary to fence all water tanks and wells on the Blackall-Jericho road. Perhaps this was the last straw for Alfred Warland, and he decided to leave. The Morning Bulletin (Rockhampton) of 14 February 1901 recorded that Alfred Warland was still at Blackall.

On 9 October 1901 the Darling Downs Gazette listed Alfred Augustus Warland, farmer of Spring Valley, North Branch, as a person qualified to vote at the election of members of the Legislative Assembly for 1901 for the electoral district of Cambooya within the Pittsworth Division. On 2 June 1904, Alfred Augustus Warland was recorded as the new licencee for the Crown Hotel at Terror's Creek (part of Dayboro, north west of Brisbane). (Source: The The Telegraph (Brisbane), 2 June 1904). On 3 February 1905, the same newspaper noted that the 58 year old Alfred Augustus Warland had resigned as a Justice of the Peace and now lived in Pittsworth, 130 kms or so west of Brisbane. On 3 July 1907, the Telegraph noted that Alfred Augustus Warland had been (re) granted a hotel licence for the Crown Hotel at Terror's Creek. Alfred relinquished the licence by 3 June 1909 (as reported in The Brisbane Courier on that day).

1907 - Death of Minnie Warland

Alfred and Laura Warland's youngest daughter, Minnie Beatrice Warland, aged 1 year and 5 months, died on 27 November 1907 at Upper North Pine (Dayboro) (Source: The Brisbane Courier 3 December 1907).

1908 - Ethel Laurie Warland marries Joseph Cruice

Alfred and Laura Warland's eldest daughter Ethel Laurie Warland of Upper North Pine married Joseph T Cruice (? - 4 Nov 1950), the fourth son of Mr and Mrs R Cruice also of Upper North Pine on 26 February 1908. The bridesmaids were Ethel's sisters Freda Warland and Edith Warland, as well as K Hayes and Madge Castree. (Source: The Queenslander, 14 March 1908).

1909 - Alfred Warland, publican

On 17 July 1909, Alfred Warland was granted the licence to operate the Stanley Hotel at Morayfield, near Caboolture. He noted in the application that he had a wife and nine children and had held a licence before at the Crown Hotel, Terror's Creek, for a period of 5 years. (Source: The Telegraph, Brisbane, 17 July 1909). He was again granted a licence for the Stanley Hotel on 3 April 1912 (Source: The Brisbane Courier, 6 April 1912). He relinquished the licence to William Joseph Connor on 30 August 1913 (Source: The Telegraph, Brisbane, 6 September 1913).

1912 - Dulcie Eunice Warland marries Sydney Tooth

Dulcie Eunice Warland married Sydney Walton Tooth (second son of Mr and Mrs S H Tooth of Coorinda) in a 'quiet but pretty wedding' at St Lawrence's Church, Caboolture on 24 April 1912. Her bridesmaids were Agnes Finter and Hilda Warland. Mr E Tooth (the groom's brother) was the best man while G Warland was the groomsman. The newspaper article stated that their future home was to be at Allora. Alfred and Laura Warland were living at Morayfield, according to the article.

1914 - Gus Warland, pupil teacher

Alfred Augustus Warland junior (often known simply as Gus Warland) was recorded as a pupil teacher in The Brisbane Courier of 28 February 1914. In January 1915, he was recorded as an assistant teacher transferring from Brisbane Central to Enoggera. (Source: The Telegraph 14 January 1915).

Evelyn Warland, Kenneth Warland, and Hilda Warland were all recorded in the same article in the Brisbane Courier of 14 September 1914 as having contributed to the Helidon State School Fund, part of the patriotic funds to support the war.

World War One

According to his service file (available from www.naa.gov.au), Alfred Augustus Warland (junior) enlisted in the AIF on 30 September 1915. He embarked for Europe on 31 March 1916 and was transferred to the 49th Battalion. He was wounded in action at Boulogne in France on 3 September 1916, receiving a (mild) gunshot wound on the side, and admitted to hospital in England. He then served in England (Perham Downs, Weymouth, Folkestone) before he was promoted to L/Cpl (May 1917), Cpl (August 1917) then Sgt (October 1917). He returned to France in October where he was again wounded in action ('gassed') on both 19 and 20 October 1917. The Darling Downs Gazette of 10 December 1917 noted that Alfred Augustus Warland (junior) of Helidon was gassed the war. He returned to Australia on the Orita in 1919.

1917 - Evelyn Warland in the news

On 18 May 1917, the Brisbane Courier noted that Evelyn Warland was one of several students who were successful in passing the entrance examination for the Lockyer High School, and gave a surprise party to the head teacher (Mr W J Stewart) of the State School at Helidon on 12 May 1917 to thank him. Evelyn's sister Hilda Warland and her brother Kenneth Warland was also present.

1918 - Evelyn's musical interests and family weddings

Evelyn Warland was clearly musically inspired. On 4 November 1918 she received 99/100 for the subject 'grammar of music'. (Source: The Brisbane Courier, 6 November 1918). On 1 March 1919, Evelyn Warland took part in a presentation of the 'fairy operetta or pantomime' Beauty and the Beast. Evelyn played the part of one of the sisters. (Source: Queensland Times, Ipswich, 8 March 1919.

From 1921 - Marriages of the the children of Alfred and Laura Warland

The children of Alfred and Laura Warland married as follows:

Evelyn Warland's marriage was described in detail in The Queenslander (Brisbane, Qld) of 13 October 1927, as follows. At All Saints' Church of England, Wickham-terrace, on September 17, the wedding was solemnised of Mr. William Edward Granger (only son of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Granger, Exeter, Devonshire, England) to Miss Evelyn Warland (youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Warland, Yandina). The Rev. R. O. S. Free officiated. The bride, who was given away by her father, wore an Early Victorian frock of taffetas and tulle ornamented with trails of silver flowers and orange blossoms, and she carried a Victorian posy veiled in tulle. The cut tulle veil finished with silver tissue and hand-made French flowers was lent by Mrs. E. Benjamin. Miss Mona Cruice (niece of the bride), who attended as bridesmaid, wore a frock of eau de nil mariette inlet with cream guipure lace. She also wore a hat to harmonise, and carried a Victorian posy of pansies veiled in autumn tinted tulle. Mr. Arthur Warland (brother of the bride) carried out the duties of best man. After the ceremony a reception was held at the Jenolan Cafe. The bride's mother received the guests, and was frocked in black crepe de Chine, with, trimmings of chenille georgette. Relations and intimate friends were present. The tables were decorated with Iceland poppies and puffings of autumn tinted tulle, and a feature of the bride's table was a two-tier wedding cake, arranged with the bridegroom's colours, red and blue. Subsequently Mr. and Mrs. Granger left by car for the Northern Rivers, where the honeymoon is being spent. The bride's travelling frock was of bois de rose silk Marocain, draped with silk fringe and & hat to harmonise.

1929 - Death of Hilda Gladys Carstens (nee Warland)

Hilda Gladys Carstens (nee Warland), died on 31 October 1929 at Craigneish Private Hospital, New Farm, possibly while giving birth to a daughter according to the family. Her parents were recorded as living in Yandina at this time. (Source of death: Brisbane Courier, 9 Nov 1929, QLD BDM Ref B9401). Fred Carstens appears to have remained close to the family from this date as his name appears in many notices. Fred Carstens, 'late of Ashgrove', died on 30 April 2001 (Source: Ryerson Index, quoting the Courier Mail, Brisbane of 1 May 2001)

1932 - Marriage of Arthur Irvine Warland

Arthur Irvine Warland married Isabella Florence Stark (the fifth daughter of Mr and Mrs J Stark Wooloowin, Brisbane, and formerly of Traveston) at St Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Nambour on March 17 1932. According to the The Brisbane Courier of 21 March 1932, '... the bride was gowned in a frock of brown sheer linen and a bowler hat to tone, and she was attended by Miss A Aiken (Sydney) who wore a frock of maroon crepe de chine and a hat to harmonise. Mr F. B. Stark (brother of the bride) was best man, and subsequently Mr and Mrs A. I. Warland motored to Coolangatta where the honeymoon is being spent, after which they will return to Yandina and make their home there.'

1942 - Death of Alfred Augustus Warland

Alfred Augustus Warland senior died in April 1942. The funeral notice in the Courier Mail of 21 April 1942 included the following names: Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Cruice (Dayboro), Mr. and Mrs. F. Nonmus (Woodford), Mr. and Mrs. S. V. Tooth (Gympie), Mr. and Mrs. W. Hirst (Gayndah), Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Grainger (Caboolture), Mr. and Mrs. Gus. Warland (Moresby), Mr. and Mrs. A. and K. Warland (Conondale), Mr. F. Carstens (Gympie).

1942 - Death of Laura Warland

Laura Warland (nee Nowland) died on 29 August 1942. The funeral notice in the Sunday Mail of 30 August 1942 includes the following names: Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Cruice (Dayboro), Mr. and Mrs. F. Nonmus (Woodford), Mr. and Mrs. S. V. Tooth (Gympie), Mr and Mrs. W. Hirst (Gayndah), Mr and Mrs. W. E. Grainger (Caboolture), Mr. and Mrs. G. Warland (Moresby), Mr. and Mrs. A. Warland (Albion), Mr. and Mrs. K. Warland, Mr. F. Carstens. (Gympie)

World War Two

Kenneth Stanley Warland joined the Royal Australian Air Force Ground Staff in World War Two, and went to New Guinea.

Children of Alfred Augustus Warland (junior)

Alfred Augustus (Gus) Warland (junior) and Emma (nee Elliott) had three daughters:

Gus and Emma Warland lived at Kimmond Avenue, Nundah. Emma died on 17 August 1950. (Source: The Evening Advocate (Innisfail, Qld) 14 September 1950). After her death the Townsville Daily Bulletin of 21 September 1950 noted that Gus Warland was the popular and 'one time head teacher of the Moreseby (near Mourilyan) State School. It was noted that he was an active member of the RSL and the VDC, and that his wfe was 'a very popular member of the community.'

Children of Kenneth Stanley Warland (junior)

Kenneth Stanley Warland and Catherine Maud Cox who married in 1926 had four children:

In September 1941, the Nambour Chronicle and North Coast Advertiser carried an advertisement for the sale of 72 acres of land 'being freehold subdivision 2 of portion 197v, Parish of Maroochy', in the name of Kenneth Stanley Warland. It is not believed Ken Warland family lived there as the advertisement noted the land consisted mostly of jungle scrub with a small shack only.

The Queensland Country Life of 7 April 1949 noted that Kenneth S Warland (P O Box 11, Maleny) and Thomas Larkin (Charles St, Innisfail) were allocated (following their application for) around 200 acres of land in the Mossman area as part of the Soldier Settlment Plan after the war. Thomas Larkin appears to have been a good friend of Kenneth as he appears again below.

In February 1950, Ken and Catherine Warland were living in Cairns (or possibly Port Douglas - see below - but recorded as Cairns) when their son Colin Stanley Warland married Joan Stella Marriott. (Source: The Courier Mail, 1 February 1950). Ken and Catherine Warland and their family lived at Third Beach, Cook Highway, until the early 1950s.

The family appeared in the Cairns Post from time to time.

The Cairns Post of 14 May 1951 noted that Mr K S Warland, Miss Desley Warland, and Mr T Larkin visited Mossman from Oak Beach.

The Cairns Post of 6 June 1951 notes that Mr and Mrs Warland entertained a number of their friends at the public hall in Port Douglas 'to enable people to meet their daughter-in-law' (Joan Marriott). Music was 'supplied by Mesdames Andreassen, Warland, Mindenhall, Connolly (piano), Mr and Mrs C Warland (piano accordion and accordion). During the evening, Miss Desley Warland, Messrs Clive Randall, K Warland and T Larkin sang'.

The Cairns Post of 14 August 1954 noted that Mr K S Warland was 'a recent settler in Mossman', where he won a section of the cane competition.

1971 - Death of Kenneth Stanley Warland

Kenneth Stanley Warland died on 14 July 1971, according to the Queensland BDM records.

1982 - Death of Alfred Augustus Warland (junior)

The Queensland BDM records show the death of Alfred Augustus Warland, son of Alfred and Laura (nee Nowland), on 5 October 1982.

Page created 1985, last updated 8 April 2020. Copyright © Andrew Warland. (andrewwarland(at)gmail.com)