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Arrival in September 1838: George Warland (1815 - 1861)

NOTE: The information on the Rose family on this page is still being researched so there may be errors.

George Warland was the son of William Warland and brother of William Henry Warland who arrived in Australia in 1823.

According to his application for free passage to South Australia, George Warland was a Farm Servant at Tollard W, Salisbury and was 'sponsored' for migration by his older brother W H Warland who lived in New South Wales. His embarkation record was number 1473.

George departed the UK on 11 July 1838 and arrived in September 1838 with his brother James on board the Rajahsthan. Both disembarked at Port Adelaide, South Australia. George was listed as a quarryman and farm servant on arrival in Australia.

1839 - William and Robert Warland arrive in South Australia

Two of George Warland's other brothers, Robert Warland and William Warland, arrived in South Australia in November 1839. It is a fair assumption to make that George and James Warland met their brothers (and families) on arrival. Robert Warland and his wife also settled in Balhannah, on a property they called Green Close Park (now probably the address at 31 Wicks Road, Balhannah), about 6 kms from his brother George's property.

Who was Mary Rose?

Mary Rose is believed by various family researchers to have been the daughter of James Rose from Trowbridge in Wiltshire.

James Rose (recorded as a plasterer and tiler) was probably the person of that name who had several children with a wife named Ann (possibly married in 1822) who were baptised at Trowbridge, St James (also noted as the Tabernacle in Bark Street (Independent)), in Wiltshire:

Note - see below for the names of additional Rose children born possibly to James and Ann and other Rose families in the same time period. Reviewing each birth record is at a cost, so not all family members are listed above, only those who are the children of James and Ann for which a record has been paid to date.

It seems possible that James' wife Ann died in 1834; an Ann Rose died at Trowbridge in May 1834 (TNA Ref TNA/RG/4/3318). A Benjamin Rose also died that year. Did Ann die giving birth to her son Benjamin? Did James then quickly re-marry?

A James Rose (probably born from around 1800 to 1816) married Caroline Holbrook on 14 July 1834 in St James, Trowbridge (Source: IGI Records of Wiltshire List). Was this the same James Rose? There is no obvious birth for a Caroline Holbrook in Trowbridge but there is a birth for a 'Caroline H' in Knook, Wiltshire, in 1812, baptised in May 1812.

James and Caroline Rose had two children baptised in St James, Trowbridge.

It is not yet known if this James was the same as the one above, or another one, but the fact that there was a son called Benjamin Rose makes it likely as a Benjamin Rose definitely migrated to Australia with his parents - see his detailed obituary below.

Other Rose families in Trowbridge

The following Rose family members are listed below for reference, until the relationships with James Rose can be established.

George Rose, a 'clothes dresser', possibly a relation to James Rose, and his wife Ann also had children baptised at Trowbridge, St James.

Benjamin Rose, possibly a relation to James Rose, and Hannah Shearman, also had children baptised at Trowbridge, St James.

Other, as yet unassigned Rose children born in the same location as listed below. Some of these may be the children of James and Ann Rose, or James Rose and Caroline (nee Holbrook).

James Rose and family - and Mary Rose - migrate to Australia - 1840

James Rose and family departed London on 29 February 1840, arriving in Port Adelaide on 10 June 1840. A James Rose, aged 31, his wife aged 30 and five sons aged 10, 0[sic], 6, 2 and 10 months, along with an unnamed daughter aged 13 left the UK in early 1840. (Application 6755).

The South Australian State Library website records the arrival of James Rose and the other members of the family as 'a wife, daughter and five sons including James (Benjamin)'; Mary Rose, a 15 year old servant girl from Trowbridge, Wiltshire, is listed separately (Embarkation 4199). The South Australian Family History site states that the family consisted of 'five sons including James and possibly John Simeon and Ben Rose'. It also seems to suggest that the wife's name was 'Catherine (possibly Patterson)' - this conflicts with James Rose and Caroline Holbrook recorded in the South Australian registers as having children in 1846 and 1849.

It seems fairly clear that a Mary Rose arrived with James Rose and his family in 1840. The embarkation record refers to a 13 year old daughter (Eliza?), while the arrival record separately lists a Mary Rose aged 15. Was she listed separately because she was already working and therefore could apply to embark on her own? Or was there another reason she was listed separately?

James and Caroline Rose had two more children after arrival:

The death of Benjamin Rose in December 1915, as recorded in The Pioneer (Yorketown) of 22 January 1916, provides some clues to the family and their early history in Adelaide:

The death of Mr Benjamin Rose, occurred at Edithburgh, on December 27, 1915. The deceased was one of the early pioneers of the Peninsula. He was born at Trowbridge, Wiltshire, England, and came to South Australia with his parents in the sailing ship 'Orleana', in 1839. After an uneventful voyage of some six months, they landed at Port Adelaide, and for a time lived in tents on the banks of the Torrens. His parents then moved to Happy Valley [south of Adelaide], where for some some years they engaged in wood carting, etc. When the Victorian diggings broke out in 1851, he was one of the number who went to try their luck, but with little success. In 1860, he was married in St Luke's Church, Adelaide, and for some time afterwards he was employed by the Government Survey Department in and around Adelaide. In 1870, with his wife and children, he landed at Coobowie from the the small Ketch 'Young Surveyor' and went to Edithburgh, which was then only scrub country, and but recently pegged out Mr Rose took up land, which he cleared and firmed for about 40 years. He was connected with the first steamship service between Edithburgh and Port Adelaide. For a number of years he was a member of the town council, and also a trustee of the Methodist Church, having been appointed in July 1874 for many years he was a Sunday school teacher, which office he took in 1875. Throughout his long life, Mr Rose was a staunch temperance advocate, being a member of the Foresters' lodge, and superintendent of the Juvenile Rechabites. During his residence in Edithburgh, he gained the respect and esteem of all classes. His last illness was a short and distressing one. An impressive funeral service was conducted on December 29, where a large concourse of friends gathered round the grave. On Sunday morning, January 9, the Rev E. Arnold made reference to the late Mr Rose, and preached from the words 'Be ye faithful unto death and I will give you a crown of life,' to a large congregation. He leaves a widow and seven children: Mrs W G. Gillard, Magill; Mrs G. A. Pegler' Yorketown ; Mrs R. Edwards, Yorketown ; Mr John Rose, Edithburgh ; Mr James Rose, Edithburgh ; Mr Will Rose, Edithburgh; Miss E. Rose, Edithburgh.

1845 - George Warland marries Mary Rose

George Warland married Mary Rose (1824 - 1895, Mt Barker (SA BDM Ref 225/167)) on 14 August 1845 in South Australia (SA BDM Ref 1/171). They had six children:

Note that an Albert Warland, born 18 August 1849/19 September 1849 was previously believed to have been a child of George and Mary Warland, but there is no record in the South Australian BDM for this birth. Albert is instead believed to be the son of George's brother, Robert Warland, as noted in the BDM records.

'Harben Vale'

George Warland's son, also named George Warland (born 1848) was said to have been born at Burnside (see his obituary below). This could mean one of two things - either that George initially lived in the farming area known as Burnside, where subsequently his nephew Henry Warland bought land in 1850, or George's wife Mary returned from where they were living and gave birth at Burnside.

At some point, the family moved further south-east in the area between Balhannah and Littlehampton, near where George's brother William Warland had settled (at Echunga). George Warland acquired section 4229 north of where the Mt Barker Junction railway station is now located, alongside Altmanns Road and east to Harben Lane. It is believed that the land area of the original property was well over 150 acres.

Harben Vale on Altmanns Road, Balhannah in 1992. Original photos courtesy of Bob Underwood.

George Warland named his property 'Harben Vale', the same name given by his brother William Henry Warland to his property in the New England area of New South Wales. Several buildings were constructed on the property; the photographs above show the primary two storey residence occupied by George and Mary and their children. Other buildings included what is now an old stone homestead around 250 metres from the original home (possibly built for James), a shearing shed (probably built in the early 1900s), and the building that later become the Harben Vale Post Office - see below for further information. The original property was extended in the 1930s to include three bedrooms

George's son James Warland subsequently acquired 35 acres of land next to his father's property. Harben Vale is now (2017) a cherry farm. Click this link for further information.

1861 - George Warland (born 1815) dies

George Warland (snr) died - believed to be when he fell from a tree on his property - on 6 June 1861, when his youngest son Henry was less than a year old. George was buried at Blakiston. No newspaper death notice has yet been found but his death is registered in the South Australian BDM records (Ref 9/258). Mary Warland did not re-marry and ran Harben Value with help from her sons George and James and later on Henry. Her eldest daughter, Ellen, was only 15 at the time, George 13, and James 11.

1861 - Proposal for a Railway between Adelaide and Mount Barker

The South Australian Advertiser ran an article titled 'XIII - Appendix. Adelaide and Mount Barker Railway via Sturt Valley', which contained a report dated 26 May 1861 on a proposal for a railway line between Adelaide, via the Valley of the Sturt, to the Mount Barker and Willunga Districts, respectively. The report included the following references to 'Warlands':

The descent from this gap (C on plan) to Warland's, via Long Gully East seemed at first to require an inclined plane (to be worked by a self-acting arrangement if advisable), and this was reported in Progress Report of July, 1859; however, the result of the survey has been that a cutting of eighty-five feet, or a few chains of tunnelling and winding round the spurs from the ridge, will give a descent with a gradient of one in fifty-three, of three miles, seventy-three chains in length to the Onkaparinga at Warland's. From the Adelaide Plains to Warland's, the ground passed over is naturally and, in fact, that which will determine the practicability or otherwise of carrying a line this way, at a cost that can be afforded; and the utmost care will have to be exercised in further surveys (of which this is the basis), and in planning the works to arrive at a proper economy in the matter. I have not examined the country for railway purposes from Warland's to Strathalbyn, or via the Meadows to the Finniss; and it does not appear practicable to take a line from Warland's across the Bremer to the Murray, but by the Onkaparinga and Tungkillo, the country is more favorable—consequently, the survey, so far as it has been conducted, tends in that direction, passing close to Mount Barker township, Nairne, and Woodside. It was originally proposed to follow, so far as desirable, the Onkaparinga from Warland's; but workable gradients having been obtained by the Cattle Company's Creek, the Windmill Hill, and Little Hampton, the latter route was preferred.

1862 - Mary Warland and the new road

On 28 Feburary 1862, 'Mrs Warland's claim for land taken for district road, 30 pounds, was passed for payment. (Source: Adelaide Observer, 8 March 1862)

On 16 August 1862, the Adelaide Observer ran the following article under the subject of 'District of Onkaparinga'.

In pursuance of the Roads Amendment Act of 1861, we the COMMISSIONERS of ROADS for the District of Onkaparinga hereby give notice that we propose, at a Meeting to be held for that purpose at Woodside, the twenty-sixth day of September. 1862, at the hour of three p.m., to MAKE an ORDER for the OPENING of about Thirty Chains of NEW ROAD, 109 links wide, through Section 4229, in the HUNDRED of ONKAPARINGA, County of Adelaide, aud to CLOSE and EXCHANGE with about twenty-three chains of OLD ROADS in the said Hundred, as firstly and secondly hereinafter generally described:— firstly—The centre of the proposed new road commences at a point about 1.875 links south west of the eastern corner of Section 4229, bears in a north-westerly direction, and terminates at a point about 2,330 links north-west of the south west corner of Section 4229: Secondly—The centre of the old road to be discontinued commences at a point in the boundary of the district about fifty two links west of the south-west corner of Section 4229, runs in a north-west direction to a point about 115 links south-east of the northern corner of Sections 2798, Hundred of Macclesfield: The owner and occupier (so far as known) of which section, affected by this notice, is mentioned in the Schedule below: And we have caused a survey map and also a book of reference to be deposited with the Surveyor-General at Adelaide, which said map and book of reference contain, so far as known, the several particulars required by the said Act: And we hereby require all persons, within forty days of the first publication of this notice, to deliver to us or to our Clerk, in writing, any objection to such making and opening the said intended road or the closing and disposing of the said old road. Dated this 3rd day of July, 1862. Richard Perkins, Chairman. Names of Owners and Occupiers, so far as known. No of Section: 4229. Owner: Widow of late Geo Warland. Occupier: Widow of late Geo Warland.

1865 - William Henry Noye and family arrive in South Australia

William Henry Noye (26 May 1842, Keigwin St Just, Cornwall - 10 March 1914, Broken Hill, NSW) married Catherine Ann Curnow (born 1845, St Ives, Cornwall - 10 December 1929, Broken Hill) on 24 December 1863 in Towednack, Cornwall. Her marriage certificate stated that she was living at Chylasson which is in the Towednack/Nancledra area.

William Henry Noye was the son of Robert Noye and Mary Ann Nankervis from Cornwall (where most members of the Noye family can trace their family lines). Catherine was the daughter of Thomas Curnow and Jane Grenfall, according to a descendant of the Noye family and her death record in NSW.

William Henry and Catherine Noye had at least one child before they decided to leave for Australia in 1865:

On 9 or 12 September 1865, William, Catherine and their daughter Catherine boarded the ship Lincoln, bound for Adelaide, South Australia. The passenger list for the Lincoln shows the family as follows:

The conduct of the family on board ship was described as 'good'. The Lincoln arrived in Port Adelaide in December 1865.

According to his obituary in 19 March 1914 in The Advertiser (Adelaide), William Henry Noye and family 'went to Wallaroo by the steamer Kangaroo and then proceeded to Moonta where they lived for 18 years' (to 1883 - see below).

During their stay at Moonta (shown as the area of Daly) they had several children, in addition to their existing daughter Catherine, not all of whom appear to have been recorded. Additional information was provided by a descendant of the Noye family in April 2021.

Possibly a Francis James or James Francis Noye who had two children in Nairne and Norwood:

William Henry Noye's story continues from 1883 - see below.

1869 - Ellen Warland (born 1846) marries Robert Lampard

George and Mary Warland's daughter Ellen Warland married the farmer Robert Lampard (aged 26) on 15 February 1869. They had the following children. It is interesting to note that their first two children were born at East Wellington a location where her sister Mary Ann would end up living from around 1881, and some of their children were born at Laura - quite likely at the home of her sister Mary Ann who married Edwin Taylor there in 1874.

From the 1870s (or earlier) - Warland and Paech families

Note that the Warland and Paech families likely knew each other from the 1870s around the Mouth Barker/Hahndorf area.

1874 - Mary Ann Warland (1853 - 1887) marries Edwin Taylor

George and Mary Warland's daughter Mary Ann Warland married Edwin Taylor, of Laura (a remote and rural town in the Mid North region of South Australia, 12 km north of Gladstone on the Horrocks Highway and 40 km east of Port Pirie) on 1 July 1874, according to the South Australian Register and also the Adelaide Observer of 4 July 1874. Edwin was born in 1843 (based on his age at death) and was the son of William Taylor (1798 - 1869) and Margaret Maple (1818 - 1867). He had three siblings: HC Taylor and E Taylor of Gawler, and Mrs William Mansom of Port Pirie.

Note: Another Edwin Taylor, a steward at the Sailor's Home in Adelaide, also appears in the Adelaide newspapers in 1878, having been assaulted by another man. It is not believed they are connected.

Mary Ann and Edwin Taylor had the following children:

1875 - Report of the Railway Commission

The outcomes of the South Australian Railway Commission were reported in the Adelaide Observer of 7 August 1875. Amongst many other recommendations it was stated that the railway line should run from Adelaide through Balhannah, Littlehampton and Mount Barker, which would 'afford an opportunity of connecting Port Elliot, Goolwa and Victor Harbour with the metropolis'. The late George Warland's property was directly in between Balhannah and Littlehampton. It is not known if the existing Junction Road between the two locations existed at the time. It is believed that land would have been acquired sometime between this date and the early 1880s.

1878 - George Warland (1848 - 1925) marries Ellen Shepherd

George Warland was previously believed to the the person of that name who applied for an appointment as a labourer on the second expedition to the Northern Territory, recorded in The Adelaide Express of 26 October 1864. If this is correct, he would only have been 16 at the time and so there is some doubt it is this George Warland; the information previously placed on this page has been moved to the page related to George's cousin, also George Warland, the son of William Warland, who seems a more likely person.

George Warland was a sheep farmer at Nairne. He later moved to Blakiston a couple of miles away, according to his obituary - see below. George married Ellen Shepherd (1856 - 23 May 1942, South Australia) on 23 October 1878 in South Australia and they had the following children:

A previous version of this page had the following children listed, but these are not found in the SA BDM Registers and are believed to be errors.

George Warland died on 8 July 1925 (SA BDM Ref 480/104). His obituary, published in the Mount Barker Courier and Onkaparinga and Gumeracha Advertiser of 17 July 1925 noted that George, who died after a long illness, was born in Burnside and spent most of his life in the (Adelaide) Hills. It stated that George had lived for 29 years at Nairne but later moved to Blakiston with his wife and family. George was noted to have been 'very popular and had a wide circle of friends'. He was, for many years, a warden at the Blakiston Church.

The obituary also noted that he was survived by his widow (Ellen), two sons, George and Hubert, and three daughters (Mrs T Hawthorn and two others).

1880 - Fanny Warland (1855 - ) marries Robert/John Jones

Note: Alice should not be confused with Alice Warland also born in 1859 to Henry Warland and Ann Davis.

Fanny Warland (who is also noted as Alice Maria Warland) married Robert Jones (sometimes shown as John Jones) in Adelaide in 1880 (SA BDM Ref 123/877) and they had the following children. All show 'John Jones' as the father:

Fanny may be the person of that name who died in Norwood in 1921 (SA BDM Ref 448/252). Robert Jones may be the John Jones, aged 80 who died on 9 October 1924 'at his residence, Tallala Terrace, Fullarton Estate (Source: Observer, 18 October 1924.

1881 - Edwin and Mary Ann Taylor move from Laura to Wellington

The South Australian Register of 11 May 1880 reported the meeting of the Good Templars of the Good Shepherd Lodge No 6, who met at the Temperance Hall, Tynte Street (probably Adelaide), on Friday 7 May 1880. A 'Brother Taylor' assisted in the installation of 'Bro. Edwin Taylor'. Were they related?

After the birth of Rose Maple Taylor, Edwin evidently decided to give up farming. The Adelaide Observer of 29 January 1881 stated that Edwin was 'relinquishing farming'. The article noted that he was selling all the following:

The freehold of SECTION 208, HUNDRED of BOOYOOLIE, containing 250 Acres of first-class Land, all ploughable, subject to a mortgage of £400 bearing interest at 8 per cent. Also, the LEASE, with Right of Purchase (about 4 years to run), of SECTIONS 355 and 356, HUNDREDS of CALTOWIE, adjoining the above, containing 427 Acres, the whole making a very compact farm, which is all securely fenced and subdivided. On the freehold section a substantial Four-roomed Stone House, Yards, and Sheds have been erected, and a large Dam has been sunk. On the leased land, in addition to tbe fencing, the improvements consist of a well-built Stone House of Two Rooms, with a large underground Tank. Also, the whole of Mr. Taylor's well-selected Farming Plant, consisting of — 8 good Draught Horses; 6 head Cattle, consisting of 4 good Fat Milch Oows, 3 in calf, and 2 Heifers; 12 Pigs; 2 Reapers, nearly new and in good order; 1 English Wagon and Frame complete; 1 Stack of Hay, about 40 tons; 1 Horseworks and Chaffcutter with elevator complete; 2 Double Ploughs, 1 Single ditto, 1 Roller; 1 Mower, Self-acting Horserake; 2 sets 3 Harrows; About 100 good Fencing Posts; 8 sets Harness; Hawke's Seedsower, Winnower, Tip-Dray 200-gallon Tank; Blacksmith's Bellows, Anvil, and Vice; Swingletree, Wheelbarrow, quantity of Horse and Pig Feed, and a host of Sundries. ALSO, A lot of Superior HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, including a good harmonium; and A number of Well-bred Fowls and Geese.

It seems the freehold land was sold by March 1881. In that month, Edwin's property at Laura was advertised. It was described as follows in the South Australian Chronicle and Weekly Mail of 19 and 26 March 1881:

Splendid Farm (437 acres) in Caltowie Extension (situation about four miles north-east of Laura). All that block of land in Caltowie Extension, containing 427 acres first-class agricultural land, being sections Nod. 355 and 356. The whole of the land is substantially fenced and subdivided. There are about 120 acres under fallow. A substantial stone house and stables are on the land, also an underground tank containing about 10,000 gals. This property is known as the leasehold of Mr Edwin Taylor. ... The above is a very compact and well-appointed farm, the soil is good, and the facilities for getting wheat to market render it a very desirable property to any requiring a good comfortable home'.

What caused Edwin to want to sell his property? Could it be something to do with the dry air conditions at Laura?

It seems possible that Edwin Taylor and family had moved to the Wellington District of South Australia by 1884. The Narracoorte Herald of 5 December 1884 recorded that Edwin Taylor was one of multiple signatories, 'the undersigned electors of Albert in Border Town, Tatiara and Wirrega districts', supporting the election of Andrew Dods Handyside to the House of Assembly following the death of Mr Henning.

The Express and Telegraph (Adelaide) of 11 April 1885 recorded that an Edwin Taylor, probably the one from the Seaman's Home noted earlier, was charged in the Police Courts 'on the information of Charles Hay Wood with being a pauper and deemed to be a lunatic'. He was apparently referred to Dr Mayo for medical examination. This is recorded only for reference.

1882 - Railway Construction between Balhannah and Littlehampton

The Adelaide Observer of 24 March 1883 reported on the railway that was now 'rapidly approaching' Littlehampton, indicating that construction was already underway through George Warland's property.

It is understood tht the sale of the land made a huge difference to the family income at a time of great financial difficulties in the State. The route of the train line can be seen on the map below:

1883 - William Henry Noye works on the railway

According to his 1914 obituary, from around 1883, William Henry Noye and a party of 10 men left to work on the Adelaide to Melbourne railway. 'After a short stay at that job, Mr Noye left for New Caledonia with the late Captain J Warren. He went to the Barrier in 1888 and worked at the Pinnacles mine, and later at the various mines along the line of lode'.

It is not clear if William left his family in the Nairne area but at least two more children were born at Nairne to William Henry Noye:

Note that a William H Noye, the son of William H and Catherine A Noye, died at Broken Hill in 1902 (NSW BDM Ref 13167/1902). He (rather than his father) may be the father of the two children below:

A Florence May Noye was born to a James Noye in Nairne in 1896 (Ref 588/49).

Curiously, a Beatrice Maud Noye is recorded as being born - and died - in 1903 to a William Landcake (Birth Ref 716/176, Death Ref 296/473).

William Henry Noye's story continues from 1914, see below.

1886 - Caroline Rose dies

Caroline Rose, the widow of James Rose and mother of Mary Warland (nee Rose), died in 1886 at North Adelaide, aged 78. This matches the age of James Rose's unnamed wife (but probably Caroline) on embarkation, meaning she was born around 1808/09.

1887 - Mary Ann Taylor (nee Warland) dies

Mary Ann Taylor (nee Warland), the wife of Edwin Taylor, died in Wellington District, South Australia, on 18 April 1887 (SA BDM Ref 163/73 and 163/94), when her youngest child was only two. The Wellington district is an area south east of Adelaide and on the northern side of Lake Alexandrina. It is a few kilometres from Tailem Bend.

1888 - Henry Warland (1860 - 1938) marries Frances Ann Morrison

The seventh child of George and Mary Rose, Henry Warland (1860 - 1938), took up a blacksmith apprenticeship in around 1875 and worked for a time at the Mount Barker foundary. (Source: Chronicle (SA), 29 September 1938, also the source of other information below).

Henry Warland started a blacksmith business at Springton, east of Adelaide in 1888. According to his obituary in the Chronicle (Adelaide) of 29 September 1938, at some point (not stated), Henry took up land in the Bordertown district in partnership with 'a brother-in-law' [presumably Frances' brother]. Perhaps connected with this, his sister Mary Ann Taylor had re-located with her family to the Bordertown area but died there in 1887.

In 1899, Henry Warland married Frances Ann Morrison (1862 - 1934), the youngest daughter of C B and E Morrison of Alma. Henry and Frances Warland had two children:

It is understood (from family members) that Alice Warland had an intellectual disability and lived in the upstairs part of the original homestead at Harben Vale with her parents.

In 1986, Enid Mary Warland (nee Monk), the postmistress in the Balhannah area for over 40 years, conveyed the following information to a friend who kindly recorded it and provided it to me:

The home they occupied (eg at Harben Vale) had been built by Henry Warland and his two younger [sic - actually older] brothers George and James from stone quarried on the property. It is still standing. The three brothers, Henry, George and James, their wives and descendants are all buried in Blakiston Cemetery.

1892 - Edwin Taylor dies

Mary Ann Taylor's (nee Warland) husband Edwin Taylor died in Wellington District on 6 October 1892. (SA BDM Ref 205/213). His death was noted in the Adelaide Observer of 15 October 1892, as well as the South Australian Register, and the Evening Journal, both of 17 October 1892. The Observer noted that Edwin had suffered from 'a lengthened illness borne with Christian fortitude'. It also carried the same notice that was published on 17 October which read: 'On the 6th October, at his residence, Border Town, Edwin Taylor, aged 49, leaving five children to mourn their loss. Brother to H C and E Taylor, Gawler, and Mrs William Mansom, Port Pirie'. The Narracoorte Herald of 18 October 1892 expanded a bit more on Edwin's death:

Mr Edwin Taylor, who has carried on the business of fruiterer for a number of years, died at his residence on Friday the 7th inst. The deceased, who was well respected in the district, succumbed from an attack of asthma and rheumatism. His funeral, which was held on the following Sunday, was largely attended.

Edwin and Mary's children were now aged from 17 to 7, and so with the death of their mother, this must have been a tragic period for the children. It is believed that they were cared for by relatives in Bordertown; the Barratts lived in Pooginagoric just out of Bordertown.

Further information is available upon request.

1895 - Mary Warland (nee Rose) dies

Mary Warland (nee Rose), George Warland's wife, died at her property Harben Vale, Mt Barker Junction, on 24 February 1895 (SA BDM Ref 225/167). Her obituary in the Mt Barker Courier and Onkaparinga and Gumeracha Advertiser on 1 March 1895 noted that she died aged 70 and 'like the late Mrs Moss, a colonist of 55 years, 44 of which were spent in the Mt Barker district. The article noted that 'Her husband, the late Mr George Warland, was a brother of the Mr Warland who built and conducted the well-known 'Wheatsheaf Inn' on the road between Aldgate and Echunga. Mrs Warland, who had endured a long and painful illness, leaves five children.' She was buried at the Blakiston Cemetery. Her BDM record mentions only her husband as a relative.

1897 - John Noye marries

John Noye (born 1876, died 1939, Littlehampton - see below) married Elizabeth Fortin Gee (? - died 1970 in Encounter Bay) in Norwood district on 4 February 1897 (Ref 190/437). They had several children:

Note that when Mabel married, she was noted as the 'only daughter' of John Noye.

Note that a James Noye was the father to Florence May Noye also born in Nairne in 1896 (Ref 588/49 - she must have been born just before John Leo Noye). The relationship between John and James Noye is not yet known.

1899 - Henry Warland acquires Harben Vale

Despite taking up land in the Bordertown area, Henry Warland appears to have continued working as a blacksmith from at least 1893 until around 1899. A ledger book found on the floor of the derelict Harben Vale property by his great-grandson listed years of individual jobs around 1895, suggesting that Henry Warland returned to live there after his mother died. He was known to have worked as a blacksmith for the local community, predominantly horse shoeing, working out of a blacksmith shed adjacent to the main two-storey residence.

Harben Vale appears to have become jointly owned by the brothers and sister following the death of Mary Warland. According to his obituary in The Advertiser (Adelaide) of 24 September 1938, in 1899, Henry '... bought out his brother's and sister's interests in the old homestead at Harben Vale' (possibly not the entire property). He lived until he died in 1938. His obituary clarifies an earlier family story that Henry had inherited the property on his father's death, when he was but a year old.

From 1905 - Albert Noye in NSW

Albert Noye (1884, Nairne (Ref 321/434) - 1944, Broken Hill (NSW BDM Ref 7798/1944)) was the son of William Henry Noye who migrated from Cornwall (see above). Albert Noye (and possibly his brother Andrew, see below) may have gone to NSW with (or after) his parents whereas other siblings remained in South Australia. Albert Noye first married Fanny Hulbert in 1905 (NSW BDM Ref 909/1905) and they had several children:

Albert Noye then married Ethel Hocking, the daughter of Thomas and Mary Hocking in 1914 in Broken Hill (NSW BDM Ref 12202/1914).

From 1909 - Andrew Noye in NSW

Andrew Noye (1886, Nairne (Ref 375/425) - 1944, Broken Hill (NSW BDM Ref 23182/1944)) was the son of William Henry Noye and the brother of Albert Noye. Andrew Noye also appears to have moved to NSW. Andrew Noye married Lucy M Brock in Broken Hill in 1909 (NSW BDM Ref 7533/1909)) and had children:

1909 - Paech/Warland events

In 1909, a man named as R Paech had an accident near Hahndorf and was taken to P Warland's nearby residence for assistance. Possibly the same P Warland - Percy Maynard Warland (born 12 September 1882, the son of James Warland (1834 - 1910), married Selma Meta Hedwig Paech (the daughter of Traugott Paech, born at Nairne in 1890 (Ref 462/14) at Mount Barker in 1909 (SA BDM Ref 239/288).

1910/1911 - Noye family of Nairne

John Noye's family were recorded in Nairne several times including 1910 and 1911.

The Register (Adelaide) of 4 June 1910 refers to Mabel Noye, Leo Noye and James Noye all attending Nairne public school.

The Chronicle of 30 December 1911 recorded the school attendance records for Nairne and stated that the following Noye children: J Noye; L Noye; Mabel Noye. Doris Noye was absent twice in four years.

1914 - Death of William Henry Noye

William Henry Noye, aged 73, died on 11 March 1914 at his residence, Garnet Street, West Broken Hill (NSW BDM Ref 2666/1914, 'son of Robert Noye'), leaving a widow and grown-up family of five sons and three daughters.

1916 - Lance Corporal James Hubert Warland enlisted for World War 1

George and Ellen Warland's son James Hubert Warland (1891 - 1959) enlisted for World War 1. His World War 1 record can be viewed on the National Archives website (www.naa.gov.au). The following are extracts from that record.

James Warland enlisted on 8 March 1916 and joined the 2nd Depot Battalion AIF (32 Bn) as a Private with the Regimental Number 5084. His enlistment papers records that he was a farmer from Mt Barker Junction, he was born in Australia and was 24 5/12 years old. His next of kin was his mother, Mrs Ellen Warland, from Springbank, Nairne, in South Australia. He stated he had never been convicted of any crime, and had never been rejected as unfit for 'His Majesty's Service'. He was 5' 5 1/2" tall and 122 lbs. His complexion was described as 'medium', his eyes blue, and his hair dark. His religion was Church of England.

James was sent to Europe and on 29 September 1916 he arrived in France. On 1 October 1916 he was 'Admitted from England' and the same day transferred to the 32nd Battalion in the field.

On 9 December 1916 he was reported as 'Missing in Action'. The next two records in his file show that he was 'now reported prisoner of war at Kommandantur 22 Wahn Lager, Germany' where he was interned. He was promoted to Lance Corporal on 4 December 1916. He wrote at least one letter to 'Miss A Warland, of Nairne, South Australia on 25 February 1917 from Camp Wahn. On 24 August 1917 the Australian Imperial Force wrote to his mother Ellen to advise that he was interned at Gefangenenlager, Limburg, Germany.

James was repatriated to England on 30 December 1918, was granted leave to 4 February, but reported sick and was admitted to hospital with 'urethrisis catarrhal/catarhh' from 14 February. The meaning of his condition is not known (it appears to indicate a discharge of some kind and there is reference to 'bleeding') but the file indicates that he contracted the condition at Edinburgh 'from Prost' (presumably prostitute). He was discharged on 18 March 1919.

James returned to Australia on the Khyber on 31 March 1919, disembarking on 2 May 1919. His file indicates he was an 'invalid'. However, the Medical Report of an Invalid dated 23 May 1919 indicates that he was 'P of War 2 years, No disability, feels quite well.'

James was awarded the Star, the British War Medal, and the Victory Medal.

1917 - John Leo Noye served in World War 1

On 26 September 1917, John Leo Noye, a Bacon Curers Assistant aged 20, enlisted for World War 1 at Nairne. He gave his father John Noye of Milang as his next of kin. He departed from Melbourne on 30 October 1917 and served with the 27th and 48th Battalion. He returned to Australia in May 1919.

1920 - Ethel Hawthorne (nee Warland) involved in helping returned soldiers

Ethel Hawthorne was noted in the Mount Barker Courier and Onkaparinga and Gumeracha Advertiser of 27 February 1920 as supporting her husband in entertaining returned Nairne soldiers. The article noted that 'it was the custom for many young men and young ladies to meet at Mr and Mrs Hawthorne's house before the war broke out, and have a dance once a week'. Ethel's brother James Hubert Warland, a returned serviceman (see also below), was also present on the night, according to the article. Thomas Hawthorne is believed to have been a Councillor on the Nairne District Council (Source: The Mount Barker Courier and Onkaparinga and Gumeracha Advertiser of 23 May 1924).

1923 - Mabel Noye remembers a friend

Mabel Noye placed a notice in memory of her friend, W J Egan 'late AIF, who passed away at Woodside, March 24, 1920'.

1921 - George Henry Baker Warland is engaged to Enid Mary Monk

Henry and Frances Warland's son, George Henry Baker Warland, became engaged to Enid Mary Monk (also shown as Monks) (1893 - 1990) in January 1921 (Source: The Mail, Adelaide, 22 January 1921). Enid Monk was the daughter of the late Mr A Monk of Unley, the founder of the Unitarian Church in South Australia and Mrs M J Monk. They married in 1924. There were no children from this marriage.

It is believed that George Henry Baker Warland and his wife Enid lived in another house approximately 200m from Harben Vale; this property also served as the Harben Vale Post Office for more than 40 years.

George and Enid Warland are both buried in the small Unitarian cemetery at the difficult to find Shady Grove Road Unitarian Church located half a kilometre from section 4229 where Harben Vale is located.

1922 - John Leo Noye marries

John Leo Noye, 'eldest son of Mr and Mrs J Noye, Woodside', married Beatrice Mary McGuinness (born 26 August 1901, Langhornes Creek), 'second daugther of Mr and Mrs T J McGuinness, Black Swamp', at the Methodist Church, Encounter Bay, Finniss, on 7 June 1922 (Ref 291/850 and The Advertiser (Adelaide) 4 July 1922). They had two children, a boy (Ronald James Noye (The Advertiser (Adelaide) 22 October 1923, and a girl. Their 25th wedding anniversary was announced in The Advertiser of 7 June 1947, their address shown as Lestrange Street, Glenungra.

1925 - George Warland (1848 - 1925) dies

George Warland, the husband of Ellen Warland, fell ill in December 1924 and was bed-ridden for most the time after that. George Warland died in 1925. (SA BDM Ref 480/104). His obituary published on 17 July 1925 noted that he was survived by his wife (Ellen Warland nee Shepherd), his sons George and Hubert and three daughters, one a Mrs T Hawthorne.

From 1925 - Dolly Warland at Harben Vale

A relative noted that, when his mother visited Harben Vale some time after 1925, Agnes Mary Warland (also known as Dolly), the daughter of George and Ellen Warland and niece of her father's brother Henry Warland, was at the property, along with her disabled cousin Alice, the daughte rof Henry and Frances.

1925 - Death of Ellen Lampard (nee Warland)

Ellen Lampard was a leading campaigner for the right of women to vote. [Source and photo credit: Marilyn May, a descendant of Ellen's]

Ellen Lampard in her later years

Ellen Lampard died at the age of 79 at her son's residence in Young Street, Drouin (Victoria) on 15 September 1925. Her death notice in The Argus of 26 September 1925 noted that she was the mother of George, Harry, Julia (Mrs Reghetti), William, Lillian (Mrs Morrison), Rose (Mrs Arnold), Ethel (Mrs Jones), and Elsie (Mrs Tarrant).

1928 - Two Paech/Noye weddings

The Observer (Adelaide) of 25 February 1928 recorded the wedding of Elma May Paech, 'youngest daughter of the late Mr L A Paech, Ravenwood, Ambleside' and sister of Louis Paech (who gave her away) and F. James Noye, 'youngest son of Mr and Mrs J Noye of Woodside'. The bridesmaid was Mabel Noye, James' sister.

Mabel Elizabeth Noye married Carl Waldemar Paech (born 1898 to Louis Alfred Paech) in 1928 (Ref 317/727). The Chronicle (SA) of 29 December 1928 ran the marriage notice: NOYE—PAECH.—On the 8th December, at Methodist Church, Woodside, by Rev. W. J. Bailey, Mabel E., only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Noye, Woodside, to Carl W. (Bal), eldest son of Mrs. and the late Mr. L. A. Paech, 'Ravenswood, Ambleside. See below in 1940 for the death of Carl Paech.

1931 - Death of James Warland

George and Mary Warland's unmarried son, James Warland (born 1850), died on 20 May 1931 at his residence, Mount Barker Junction, aged 80? (Source: Chronicle 28 May 1931, also SA BDM Ref 528/419). His residence is believed to have been one of the building on the Harben Vale property.

Following his death, the Mount Barker Courier and Onkapringa and Gumeracha Advertiser of 31 July 1931 ran an advertisement for the sale of James' portion of the land at Mt Barker Junction 'on the property (adjoining Railway Station)', to be sold on 14 August 1931. The details of the property were as follows:

H B Chapman has been favored with instructions from the; Administrator of the Estate of JAMES WARLAND, deceased, to offer, by. public auction as above: Part Section 4229, Hd. of Onkaparinga, containing 35 ACRES and 8 PERCHES or thereabouts. A large portion cleaned, balance comprises good timber and wattles. Sub-divided into four paddocks. The improvements comprise:— 4-ROOMED COTTAGE, Blacksmith Shop, Trap Shed. Hay Shed, and Stables. This property adjoins the Mount Barker Junction Railway Station, and affords an excellent opportunity of securing a mixed farm in this district. Title R.P. Act. . Terms at Sale. Also at the same time and place, under instructions from the above:— 2 HORSES (1 medium draught and 1 pony), dray, van, masher dray, cart, wheels, blacksmith's bellows and forge, vice, anvil, winnower, 2 ploughs, ladder, rope, quantity of harness, saw, grindstone, quantity of timber, quantity of slabs, wattle bark, 3 chairs, bed, organ, safe, table, and a quantity of sundries. Terms: Cash.

1934 - Death of Alice Warland and Frances Warland

Frances Ann Warland, the wife of George and Mary Warland's son Henry Warland, died on 18 April 1934 at Harben Vale (SA BDM Ref 558/1694, also The Advertiser, 19 April l934). Their disabled daughter Alice Warland (born 1889) died on 10 July 1934. While it is only speculation, the death of her mother and likely primary carer quite possibly affected Alice or her quality of life.

An advertisement in the Mount Barker Courier and Onkapringa and Gumeracha Advertiser of 3 September 1937 noted the auction of the estate of Mary Alice Monks (possibly Enid Mary Monk's mother), 'portion of section 2967, hundred of Macclesfield', consisting of 10 acres 'or thereabouts on which is erected a new 3-roomed stone and brick house, with enclosed back verandah, woodshed, and usual conveniences'. It added that the property was situated within handy distance of Littlehampton township and Mount Barker Junction railway station.

1938 - Death of Henry Warland (1860 - 1938)

Henry Warland, the seventh child of George and Mary Warland (nee Rose), and husband of Frances Warland (nee Morrison) (died 1934) and father of Alice Mary Warland (ied 1934) and George Henry Baker Warland (husband of Enid Warland (nee Monk)), died on 7 September 1938 'at his residence' (Source: The Advertiser, Adelaide, 8 September 1838). His obituary, from which some of the details above are noted, was carried in The Mount Barker Courier and Onkaparinga and Gumeracha Advertiser of 22 September 1938, and the Chronicle (Adelaide) of 29 September 1938.

1939 - Death of John Noye

John Noye died at Littlehampton on 6 November 1939. His wife and also daughter Mabel Paech placed a notice in The Advertiser of 6 November 1940 in memory of their husband and father. Another notice was placed by 'his loving son and daughter-in-law Leo and Beatrice and grandchildren Ronald and Muriel'. It seems possible that members of the Warland family in the area attended the funeral for John Noye.

1940 - Death of Carl Paech

Carl Waldemar Paech died at his residence 'Balmae', Littlehampton, at the age of 41 on 4 June 1940 (Ref 624/2435, The Mount Barker Courier and Onkaparinga and Gumeracha Advertiser of 6 June 1940). The Paech and Warland families (and also likely the Noyes from Nairne) were known to each other for quite some time and there is a good likelihood that some Warlands attended the funeral, along with members of Mabel's Noye family.

1949 - Marriage of James Warland and Mabel Paech (nee Noye)

In November 1949, James Hubert Warland (1891 - 1959) became engaged to Mabel Elizabeth Paech (nee Noye) (1900 - 22 April 1976), 'the daughter of Mrs Elizabeth Noye of Littlehampton and the late Mr John Noye' (Source: The Advertiser (Adelaide) 8 November 1949). They married sometime after that.

Page created 15 September 2011, updated 2 May 2021 (additions to the Noye family). Copyright © Andrew Warland. (andrewwarland(at)gmail.com)