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Julia Warland Jones

This page is about a person named Julia Warland Jones, born in 1874 in Aberfeldie in Victoria, Australia. Julia was the daughter of Gilbert John Jones and Bridget Carroll.

As at August 2021, it is not known how Julia got her second name but it seems to be from her father's sister. A Julia Warland Jones, the daughter of Mary [no surname shown] and Elisha Jones) was born 16 December 1821 in Framingham, Massachusetts, U.S.A. There may be a connection with the Warland family of Massachusetts; for example, Elisha Jones may be the son of a Warland female. A Nancy Warland married Josiah Moore (1747 - 1 May 1814) in 1782. Josiah Moore had first married Mary Hastings (the daughter of Seth Hastings) on 19 September 1768; Mary died on 9 May 1781. Josiah then married Nancy Warland (1752 - June 1835), the daughter of Owen Warland on 22 August 1782. (Note, Josiah's brother, Abel Moore, married Sarah Warland). Josiah and Nancy Moore had several children including Jane Moore (14 January 1769 - ) who married Prescott Jones of Athol in January 1798. Gilbert may be the son of Jane and Prescott Jones.

Who was Gilbert Jones?

Gilbert Jones is said to have arrived from the United States where several other Warland families already lived. His death record states his parents as Elisha Jones and Mary Chenge.

The unassisted passenger records show a Gilbert J Jones, aged 25, arrived on the Maria in October 1853. At some point he met Bridget Carroll.

Who was Bridget Carroll?

We don't know where Bridget Carroll was born but based on her death record it was 1848 (she was 34 when she died in 1882).

Bridget's father was stated to be Dennis Carroll. Her mother was not named in the BDM records. There are two Dennis Carrolls in the unassisted passenger arrivals for Victoria, both from Ireland.

Several Dennis Carrolls are recorded in the newspaper reports:

It is not known if Bridget Carroll was born in Australia or overseas. Quite a few women with the name Bridget Carroll arrived in Victoria. The following are considered possibles if she came along, based on a likely birth of 1848:

There is no reason (yet) to connect them but the following may be relevant:

1872 - Gilbert Jones marries Bridget Carroll

Gilbert John Jones married Bridget Carroll (born around 1848, location not known) in 1872 (Vic BDM Ref 506).

Gilbert and Bridget Jones had the following children:

1882 - Death of Bridget Jones

Bridget Jones died at Aberfeldy on Monday 27 November 1882. She was 34 (Vic BDM Ref 10560). The Argus of 30 November 1882 noted that she was 'the wife of a miner named Gilbert Jones' and that she 'died in a fit of delirium tremens at Mount Lookout. Deceased had been a confirmed drunkard for several years and, as there was no suspicion of foul play, a magisterial inquiry was considered unnecessary.' The Gippsland Times of 29 November 1882 carried a similar story on page 3.

Only the two older sisters, Elizabeth (aged 10) and Julia Jones (aged 8), were still alive. It is not known if Gilbert re-married, but the only person with that name who married from 1882 to 1910 was John Gilbert Jones who married Maria Olive Pannan in 1905 (Vic BDM Ref 5275). There are no obvious children from that marriage. It is not yet known what happened to the two children from 1882 to 1893.

1908 - Possibly injury to, and death of Gilbert Jones

Gilbert Jones may be the 'travelling tinsmith' assaulted by a fellow traveller 'on the green' at Violet Town in October 1908. Jones was hit in the head and abdomen and was critically injured. Gilbert John Jones is probably the man who died, aged 80, in 1908 at Toombon (not far from Mt Lookout) (Vic BDM Ref 7872, which records his parents as Elisha Jones and Mary Chenge). It is assumed he died from his injuries after returning to Mt Lookout. The Register of Probates granted probate to the will of Gilbert John Jones in late November 1908. Jones' estate was valued at £172.

1893 - Julia Warland Jones marries

Julia Warland Jones, then 19, married William Arthur Empey (possibly died 1944, Parkville (Vic BDM Ref 7241) in 1893 (Vic BDM Ref 5611). They had several children.

The Australasian of 25 December 1909 recorded that a William Arthur Empey passed units at the University of Melbourne. This is likely to be a reference to the father, given his extensive educational experience (see below).

1929 - Car accident

The Argus of 25 February 1929 reported the outcome of a car accident at Caulfield on 24 February 1929. The article noted that William Empey, aged 60, was driving one of the cars. Ralph Empey 'who is also a teacher and, in addition to playing cricket with the University second eleven, is a member of the Richmond League football team.

1944 - Death of Julia and William Empey

Both Julia and William Empey died in 1944. Julia died on 3 June 1944 at the Alfred Hospital. Her funeral left from her son's residence at 276 Mont Albert Road, Surrey Hills on 5 June 1944.

William Arthur Empey died several weeks later, on 14 July 1944. The Argus of 17 July 1944 noted that he was a retired State schoolmaster who had more than 50 year's service in the Education Department. It stated: 'Joining the department as a pupil teacher in 1880, he first took up duty at Alexandra and later taught at other rural schools. He was appointed assistant head teacher at Hamilton in 1914, transferring to Swanston St, Geelong, two years later. In April 1917, he became head master at Lee Street, Carlton, where he remained until his retirement in 1931.'

Page created 17 May 2021, updated 17 May 2021. Copyright © Andrew Warland. (andrewwarland(at)gmail.com)