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Arrival in NSW - Thomas and Rebecca Warland

Before 1828 - Thomas Warland and Rebecca Mary Le Mare

Apart from NSW BDM records and newspapers (including those digitised on Trove, some other information on this page comes from the late Bob Anderson's book 'The Alvonian Andersons', extracted with permission of Bob's family. Additional information on the Glover family has been provided by members of that family.

Thomas Warland was baptised on 13 November 1803 at Charlton on Otmoor or Fencott, Oxfordshire, England. He was the son of Edmund Warland (1771 - 1839?) and Elizabeth Smith (1778 - 1856). Edmund Warland may be the Edmund Warland who died in Bicester, Oxfordshire, in 1839, hence his non-appearance in the 1841 census; Elizabeth is recorded in the 1841 census.

Details of the Le Mare family are derived from the Le Mare website. Rebecca Mary Le Mare was from a large and successful family. Her father was Samuel Le Mare (2 February 1700, St Leonards, Shoreditch - 13 November 1840, Squires Street, Bethnel Green), a silk weaver or silk manufacturer. Her mother was Sarah Renshaw (3 December 1770 - 18 September 1853). Samuel Le Mare and Sarah Renshaw were married on 6 January 1790 in St John's Hackney. They had ten children:

To quote Bob Anderson: 'It would be fair to assess her as a young woman of some refinement, speech and conduct. Her dress and interests were in keeping with her father's occupation.' Thomas Warland appears to have worked as an apprentice in Samuel Le Mare's silk manufacturing firm in London, where he met Rebecca.

1829 - Thomas marries Rebecca Le Mare, Postal Directory reference

Thomas Warland appeared in the 1832 Postal Directory living at 20 Steward Street, Spital, as a silk manufacturer.(Source: Bob Anderson)

Thomas and Rebecca Warland married on 5 January 1828 in St Giles, Cripplegate. They had the following children (dates of birth estimated from 1841 census).

1834 - Thomas Warland, bankrupt

The 'Bankrupt Directory: Being a Complete Register of all the Bankrupts' published in 1843 by George Elwick, records that Thomas Warland, a silk manufacturer of Stewart St, Spitalfields, was declared bankrupt on 18 March 1834. It is not known what Thomas did after this event and whether he continued to work in the silk industry .

1837 - Edward Warland migrates to Tasmania

Thomas Warland's brother Edmund Warland and his wife Sarah (nee Cornford) migrated to Tasmania by 1837.

1841 census

Thomas and Rebecca Warland appear in the 1841 census living in Minerva Street, Bethnal Green, Middlesex/London, where Thomas (a clerk, born 1804, birthplace not in London, aged 37) with Rebecca (born 1801, aged 40). His mother Elizabeth and brother Robert (a sawyer) are also recorded in the 1841 census; the former in Islip with three as yet unconnected Warlands: Henry Warland aged 20, and possible twins Emma and Ann Warland, both aged 15. Robert Warland and his family are in Noke.

1845 - Thomas and Rebecca Warland - Arrival in New South Wales

Thomas and Rebecca Warland and their children departed London on the Barque Ann Grant on 4 November 1844 and arrived in Port Jackson on 11 or 12 March 1845. Australian shipping records notes that there were four boys and a girl.

1846 - Thomas Warland and family move to Maitland

Some time in 1846, Thomas and family travelled by paddlewheel steamship via Newcastle then up the Hunter River to the coastal port of Morpeth, and then on to Maitland where it seems he decided to set up a brewery. At the time, according to the 'History of Maitland', two breweries supplied the needs of the 28 hotels in and around Maitland. It is worth noting that Maitland had a population of 2,768 people in 1841. By 1861, the population grew to 7,747. (Source: Bob Anderson)

Sometime after arrival in Maitland, Thomas and Rebecca had a sixth child, Rebecca Sarah LeMare Warland (1846? - ?).

On 16 December 1846, Thomas Warland, 'at the Hunter Brewery, West Maitland', posted a notice (dated 14 December) in the Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser offered a £5 reward for the return of a red Durham cow, 'supposed to have been driven from Devonshire Street near the Race Courst on Friday the 11th instant'. He was noted in 1847 as a brewer at the Hunter Brewery in Bulwer Street Maitland.

Some time before March 1847, Thomas and Rebecca Warland ceased to live together. Around 7 March, Rebecca made an appeal to the magistrate's bench in Maitland and Thomas promised to pay £1/15s per week to his estranged wife for the maintenance of herself and their six children. Possibly in connection with this event, Thomas posted a notice in the Advertiser on 10 March 1847 saying that he would not be answerable for any debts concerned in his name without his written order.

Given that their eldest son Thomas Alfred Warland was 17 at this stage, it seems likely that he took on a leading role helping his mother, including (eventually) moving with her and other siblings to Sydney.

On 15 March 1847, Thomas hired a Nicholas Lane as a cooper in his Hunter Brewery for 12 months at the rate of £1/6s per week. As part of the agreement, Lane was permitted to consume two gallons of ale per week. (Source - Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser, 28 April 1847, see below)

However, Thomas failed to pay the maintenance due to Rebecca. According to the Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser of 17 March 1847, on Tuesday 16 March 1847, Rebecca, represented by a Mr Turner, returned to the magistrate's bench in Maitland to seek an order for the payment of maintenance from her husband who she said had only paid her 10 shillings. As a result, she was now 'entirely destitute'. Thomas claimed that £2/13s had been paid to Rebecca through a Mr Melville, 'besides other small sums, making up the amount he promised'. Mr Turner stated however that Rebecca's furniture had been seized for rent and then sold, and that was the source of the £2/13s. The bench ordered that Thomas pay a weekly sum of £1/15s, and also the costs of the case.

On Saturday 20 March 1847, Thomas posted an advertisement in the Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser as follows:

To the proprietors of Boiling Down and Salting Establishments, Spirit Merchants, and others. Thos Warland, of the Hunter Brewery, West Maitland, begs to inform the proprietors of the above-named establishments, and the public generally, that he has engaged with a person he has known for many years as the superintendent of a large coopering and back making concern, in London, and that he now intends to carry on the trade of a COOPER, in connection with the former business of the Brewery. T.W. has also made arrangements for regular supplies of Staves, Timber, &c., and feels confident that all orders entrusted to him will be executed to the satisfaction of those who may favor him with a trial. Hunter Brewery, Maitland, March 17th 1847.

On 14 April 1847, Thomas left his brewery and warned Nicholas Lane not to drink in his absence. 'As was the custom to allow customers to taste before they ordered', Lane allowed two customers to taste the ale and liquors. However, by the end of the day when Thomas returned he found them all drunk in the cellar. Upon his complaint, the two men left but one went with Lane in the premises to where his wife took her meals. Two hours later Thomas 'heard cries of murder' and found Lane's wife on her back on the floor, Lane standing by. A fight broke out and Lane struck Warland in the face; Lane then left work, owed £1/4/6 in wages, which Warland then refused to pay. A court case ensued on 27 April 1847. Mr Turner (Rebecca's lawyer) appeared for Lane and Mr Davies for Warland. 'The bench convicted Lane of the assault and breach of agreement, and sentenced him to pay a fine of 40s or be confined one month in Newcastle goal, beside losing the wages coming to him'. (Source: The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser of 28 April 1847)

On 9 November 1847, Rebecca again sought payment of maintenance. The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser of 10 November 1847 noted that Thomas was called - but did not appear - to answer a charge of non-payment of maintenance for a period of three weeks prior. According to the article, 'the bench ordered the sum owing to be paid forthwith, or Mr Warland to be imprisoned in Newcastle gaol till it was paid'. It does not seem that he was sent to gaol.

However, Thomas Warland again appeared in court on 18 April 1848. In this case, Thomas was accused of having broken an agreement with a George J Clarke for Thomas, as malster and brewer, 'to brew two trial brewings of ale' which, if good would earn him £2 per week and one-fourth part of the profits, but to bear no share in the losses'. The first attempt was not considered strong enough because of the close room and hot weather; the second, with fresh malt, was not considered saleable, and the third not completed as Thomas locked up part of the brewery under his control and refused entrance. 'After consultation the bench dismissed the case'. (Source: The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser of 19 April 1848)

Curiously, Thomas Warland then seems to vanish from the public records although he does get a mention in his son Arthur Henry Warland's marriage certificate in 1874 as a 'postmaster'; perhaps this looked better than 'brewer'. Family members believe he may simply have died before 1856, when the recording of births, marriages and deaths became compulsory.

1850 - Thomas Alfred Warland (1828 - 1880) marries Sarah McLean

Thomas Alfred Warland (from Stockton) married Sarah McLean (1827 - 1859), the daughter of Irwin McLean, on 30 July 1850 at the Scots Presbyterian Church, Macquarie Street, Sydney, on 30 July 1850. Others present at the wedding were Sarah's sisters Eliza McLean and Ann Jane Waugh (nee McLean), the husband of William Waugh.

For the rest of the story about Thomas and Sarah Warland, go to the separate page for Thomas Alfred Warland.

1863 - Mrs Warland in Redfern, Sydney

Rebecca Warland (nee Le Mare) was recorded at 3 Bullanaming Street, Redfern (now either King Street, Newtown, or Renwick Street, Alexandria), a suburb of Sydney, in 1863. She wrote a letter from this address to her nephew in New Zealand on 7 April 1864. Her daughter Rebecca Sarah Le Mare was living with her at the time; she was confirmed at St Paul's Redfern at the age of 18. According to Bob Anderson, Rebecca's older brother Samuel Renshaw Le Mare may have come to Australia where he lived but remained single. It seems possible that he linked up with his sister.

1865 - Phillis Warland - a domestic servant assaulted

Thomas Alfred Warland's probable sister (since there is no other Warland with the name), Phillis Warland, took up work as a domestic servant in Sydney sometime before 1865. The Sydney Mail of 7 October 1865 noted that Phillis Warland had been assaulted by William Good Caporn who pushed her down stairs while in Caporn's domestic service' Caporn was fined 10s with costs. The Empire newspaper elaborated in its 6 October 1865 edition, noting that Caporn having 'been much irritated by complainant's insolent demeanour, pushed her down stairs, she being his servant'. Nothing further is known about Phillis.

1866 - Thomas and Sarah Warland and their large family move to Sydney

It is believed that Thomas Alfred and Sarah Warland had moved to George Street, Redfern by 1866. They would have been living quite close to Thomas' mother.

1867 - Rebecca Warland (nee Lemare) dies

Rebecca Warland (nee Le Mare, daughter of 'Samuel L and Sarah', which match her parent's names) died on 28 July 1867 in Redfern, according to NSW Death records. The cause of death was a 'sudden strangulated hernia'. She was buried at Camperdown cemetery.

1869 - T Warland - agent for sale of newspaper at Moonan Brook

Some time between 1848 and 1869, Thomas Warland (senior) appears to have moved away from Maitland and settled in Moonan Brook. On 29 September 1869, T Warland (likely Thomas Warland senior) was shown in an advertisement in the same paper as an agent at Moonan Brook for the sale of The Illustrated Sydney News, a monthly journal.

1869 - Death of Rebecca Warland (daughter of Thomas Alfred Warland)

Thomas Alfred and Sarah Warland's infant daughter Rebecca died in Redfern in 1869. Their other two young daughters, Sarah (born 1861) and Ruth (born 1863) were likely very close during this period.

1870 - Death of Robert Beatson (husband of Margaret McLean)

Robert Beatson died 'at his residence' at Emu Plains on 1 March 1870, aged 67 (Empire, Sydney, 3 March 1870). His wife Margaret survived until 1902 (see below).

The New South Wales Government Gazette of 25 March 1870 noted that his goods, chattels, credits and effects were to be granted to his wife Margaret.

1870 - Edmund Samuel Warland marries Fanny Atkins

Edmund Samuel Warland (1840 - ?), the third surviving son of Thomas and Rebecca Warland, married Fanny Atkins at the Commercial Hotel in Tambo, Queensland, on 5 October 1870, to the rites of the Roman Catholic Church. Edmund stated on the certificate that he was 30 with a father Thomas Warland and mother Rebecca. Fanny Atkins stated that she was 26 years old, a servant, born in Goulburn NSW to a John Atkins and Betsie (possibly Elizabeth) Fisher.

It is not yet known who John Atkins was or why Fanny was in Tambo. However, brothers Arthur Henry Warland (1838 - ) and Edmund Warland (1839 - ) were said to be in Victoria in the late 1860s; Arthur settled in Scone where he married in 1874 (see below). Perhaps on the way back north from Victoria the brothers passed through Goulburn and Edmund met Fanny Atkins, and then took her to Tambo - or maybe someone else did (further research is required). Note: Edmund and Arthur's nephew (from their brother Thomas Alfred Warland), Alfred Augustus Warland, was a carrier working in the Blackall - Tambo area from around 1884. There may be a connection here between uncle Edmund and nephew Alfred Warland.

1870 - Thomas Alfred Warland - Shipping and General Broker

Thomas Alfred Warland was clearly in Sydney by 1870. The Newcastle Chronicle of both 7 and 14 June 1870 includes a notice for Thomas A Warland, 'Shipping and General Broker, Commission and Produce Agent' at Circular Quay and 9 Vickery's Chambers, Pitt Street, Sydney.

1871 - Rebecca Sarah Le Mare Warland marries Alexander Anderson of Fiji

Thomas and Rebecca Warland's youngest child, Rebecca Sarah Le Mare Warland (1846 - 1939) married Alexander Paton Anderson of Viti Levu, the second son of Mr Robert Anderson of Dunedin, New Zealand, at St Bartholomew's Church Pyrmont (Sydney) on 7 October or December 1871. It was stated in the newspapers that she was the youngest daughter of 'John Warland' from Moonan Brook, a small village in the countryside around 170 kms north west of Maitland. Rebecca and Alexander Anderson then departed for Fiji and had the following childern (Source: Bob Anderson):

According to an article written by Dirk HR Spennermann of Charles Sturt University, titled 'Malolo Lailai Island (Viti Levu, Fiji) during the nineteenth century' dated May 2021, '... very little has been researched and published on the island's history'. His article provides a detailed historical account about Malolo Lailai during the nineteenth century, including some details from Bob Anderson's book mentioned earlier which have also been added to this text.

According to Bob Anderson's book, Alexander Paton Anderson was apparently working from 1870 as overseer on Maro/Mero Plantation in Nadroga that had been developed to grow tobacco. He was said to have acquired land at Namata (or Na Mata) in Nadroga in around 1871 with the aim of establishing his own tobacco plantation. According to Spennermann's article, Anderson built a small wooden house and planted six acres of tobacco. 'Unable to make the property pay ... he returned to employment at Mero Station.

The article notes that a John Thompson was recorded living at Nadroga on the island in 1871, 1873 and 1874. Thompson purchased the whole island on 24 October 1872 although it was later suggested that only part of the island had been sold. Spennerman's article states that it was unlikely that Thompson resided on the island for any prolonged period.

The article states that the wife of Alexander Paton Anderson, Rebecca (nee Warland) gave birth to Edith Janet Anderson at Nadi Bay on 1 October 1872. It added that, in 1873 and 1874, Alexander Paton Anderson and his wife Rebecca are on record as living in Malolo Lailai, where their first child Edith Janet Anderson died at the age of 1. The article added that 'While the exact relationship between Thompson and Anderson is unclear, it is very likely Anderson worked for Thompson as overseer to develop the plantation,or at least resided on Malolo Lailai as caretaker to demonstrate posession'.

Alexander P Anderson applied for a crown land grant at Namata (Na Mata) in August 1875 (Spennermann, quoting other sources), 'presumably to validate his prior claims to the title in the post-cession era'. The crown grant was acceded to on 31 August 1877 and affirmed by the Land Claims Commission on 27 January 1882 (by which time Anderson had moved to Levuka). The Commission's reported stated that a claim assessment in 1881 had noted that the land was of poor quality and the boundaries were not correct. Despite the alleged error, the claim was allowed.

Alexander Anderson had moved to Levuka by 1878 where he established himself as a stable keeper and cab driver. He sold his land at Namata by public auction in March 1885, by which time the family was already living in Suva.

John Thompson died in 1882. Alexander Paton Anderson died on 16 June 1888 at the Public Hospital, Suva. The cause of death was given as 'hydatid disease' that had afflicted him for two years. At this time, Rebecca had seven children, aged from 14 to 2. It would be a difficult time but they managed to survive.

Alexander and Rebecca Anderson's daughter May Christina Anderson was remembered as 'Matron May Anderson' who worked tirelessly at the Colonial Hospital. She was described as follows: 'A quick an intelligent girl who soon became a proficient nurse. Her patients always spoke well of her kind and thoughtful care of them.' She was conferred the Order of the Royal Red Cross by Queen Victoria in 1899. May retired in 1920 and, for a few years from 1922, she lived with her mother in Katoomba. They returned to Suva where she cared for her mother (who died in 1939) and her brother. May Anderson died on 13 April 1962.

May's sisters Emily and Maud also became nurses. The twins, Arthur and Alexander, remained in Fiji. Arthur Anderson, a boat builder at Walu Bay, Suva, married later in life to Jessie Richmond. Alexander never married. While working for the Colonial Sugar Refining Company, Alexander suffered a workplace accident that left him with permanent brain damage.

Nora Anderson married a Mr Addis and moved to New Zealand.

Walter Edmund Anderson worked in various occupations in Fiji, including for Burns Philp and Co. He is understood to have sailed a yacht, with two crew members, from Fiji to Sydney to meet his wife to be, Edith Kate Warland. After a 'whirl-wind' romance, they were engaged to be married and returned by yacht to Fiji. They married in Suva on 21 October 1911. For more details, see the link.

Rebecca and Alexander Anderson's lives are documented in Bob Anderson's book, the Alvonian Andersons.

1872 - Thomas Warland Postmaster at Moonan Brook

The Greville's Post Office Directory for 1872 lists Thomas Warland as the Postmaster for Moonan Brook in that year. It also lists Laurence Kiley, a shepherd who appear belows connected with a Rebecca Ann Warland, or it may be a child of Laurence with the same name. William Kiley, a shepherd at Brunah Creek, is also listed and is possible related to Laurence. (Source: http://www.family.joint.net.au/index.php)

1874 - Arthur Henry Warland marries Flora McInnes

Arthur Henry Warland (1838 - ), the second surviving son of of Thomas and Rebecca Warland, was believed to have spent time with his brother Brander Le Mare Warland (aka Edward Warland) in the gold rushes near Scone in the early 1860s. When the gold rush faded, both brothers headed to Victoria to take over four thousand head of cattle.

Arthur Henry Warland, said to be a miner, married Flora McInnes (1846/1849, Ellerston, NSW - 8 November 1925, Scone), whose family was from Skye, Scotland, on 4/8 November 1874 in Scone, New South Wales. Flora's parents were Neil McInnes and Ann Macgiloray. At the time both were living in Moonan Brook, north-east of Scone. Arthur and Flora Warland had four children:

1880 - Thomas Alfred Warland dies

Thomas Alfred Warland, the son of Thomas and Rebecca Warland and husband of Sarah Warland (nee Priest), died in Sydney of bronchitis on 23 April 1880. Sarah married Walter Henry Glover. See the page on Thomas Alfred Warland for more details.

1888 - Laurence Kiley of Moonan Brook

The Scone Advocate of 22 September 1888 noted that a Celtic-speaking Laurence Kiley was arrested for 'lunacy'. His sister Mary Mulcahey gave evidence stating that since a lawsuit in early 1887 Kiley had been getting worse and was refusing to work.

1897 - Phillis Warland - assaulted in Sydney

Phillis Warland (1834 - 1907), the daughter of Thomas and Rebecca Warland, may have been living and/or working (she was 63 at the time) at 336 Bourke Street, Surry Hills in 1907 when she was unlawfully assaulted by a Mrs Robinson in 1897, according to the New South Wales Police Gazette of 17 March 1897.

1905 - The Warland and Kiley connections of Moonan Brook

The Scone Advocate of 28 July 1905 noted the death, at her residence at Moonan Brook, of Mrs Kiley, relict of the late William Kiley of Branch Creek.

The same year, Lawrence Martin Kiley (1874 - 1944) married the daughter of Arthur Henry and Flora Warland, Rebecca Ann Warland (12 August 1882 - 26 December 1943) of Moonan Brook, on 3 December 1905 at Gundy, NSW. They had a number of children. (Sources: NSW Marriage Records, and also Kiley family history)

Arthur Henry and Flora Warland's son Neil Alfred Warland (1886, Scone - 1968 (not confirmed, not recorded in Ryerson Index) married an Agnes Jean Kiley (1888 - 1960) in 1907 and had one daughter Nora Linda Louise Warland. Nora married Henry Caulfield of Scone in 1924. (Sources: NSW marriage records and http://www.spirits-of-gallipoli.com/families/files/KILEY-E-Gen.pdf)

1909 - Arthur Henry Warland dies

Arthur Henry Warland (born 1838), the son of Thomas and Rebecca Warland died in Granville, Sydney, in 1909.

Postscript - When did Thomas Warland die?

It is not yet known exactly when or where (John) Thomas Warland senior died. There is no apparent record of his death in the NSW Death records or in the Ryerson Index.

Page created 1985, last updated 11 April 2022 (split the stories of Thomas Warland and his son Thomas Alfred Warland). Copyright Andrew Warland. (andrewwarland(at)gmail.com)