
A photograph of John's business taken in the late 1800s.

The Robertson business - 1856 - 1933

John Robertson established the Victoria Saw Mills, LaTrobe Terrace, Ashby in 1852. The company first appeared in the Geelong Directory in 1856. 'John Robertson, Saw Mills, Victoria Terrace West', was listed in the directory in 1858 and thereafter.

In the photograph above, John is third from the right. His sons (William, George, Robert, possibly Charles) are believed (based on a comparison with a photograph taken in 1902) to be the men: (a) first on the left, (b) third from the left, (c) second from the right, (d) possibly fourth from the right. The gentleman fifth from the left may be Tom Knight, the father of Margaret Knight, a carpenter who also appears in front of Richard Clement's butcher's store. Richard and Margaret's daughter Dorothy would later on marry George's son John Charles Robertson.

A tag, approximately 8 x 4 cm, from John Robertson's business from the late 1800s.

1897 - Change to partnership

On 23 January 1897, a note was created announcing a change to the company. The following is a taken from a copy of the note:

COPY. Notice is hereby given that the partnership hitherto existing between John Robertson, William Croll Robertson, Robert Robertson and George Archibald Robertson as Saw and Moulding Millers at 34 Little Ryrie Street Geelong under the style or firm of John Robertson and Sons has ('this day' struck through) been dissolved by mutual consent as from January 1st 1897. The business will in future be carried on under the same style or firm by John Robertson, William Croll Robertson and George Archibald Robertson who will discharge all liabilities and are authorised to receive all moneys due to the later firm. As witness our hand this 23rd day of January 1897. Signed (John Robertson, William C Robertson, Robert Robertson, George A Robertson. Witness to all signatures this ... day of January 1897. H J Howard, Timber Merchant, Geelong.

1912 - Incorporation

John Robertson and Sons Pty Ltd was incorporated on 24 June 1912.

William Croll Robertson and his brother George Archibald Robertson had equal shareholdings in the initial £9,000 paid-up capital. Although Robert worked in the business, he was neither a shareholder nor a Director.

Charles Shannon subscribed £1,000 in 1918. The Robertons subscribed £1,680.

1919 - Fire at the store yard

On 8 September 1919 a fire broke out at John Robertson and Son's store yard at the corner of Mercer and Little Skene Streets in Geelong.

The smouldering ruins of the store house after the fire.

The Geelong Advertiser ran a story on the fire on 9 September 1919 under the headline 'MERCER ST FIRE : LOSS £8000 - Origin Still a Mystery'. It stated:

All of the buildings, with the exception of a small shed have been demolished and the galvanised iron roofing is now lying about twisted into all sorts of shapes. In the debris is standing the remains of a large timber jinker and dray which had been left in the stores. It will be a difficult matter to re-stock the timbers, which are stated to be extremely hard to obtain. Particularly will this be the case with the heavy supplies of American woods and dry kauri. This had been well seasoned. Chaff, which was stored in the main portion of the old cooperage at the south-east corner of the structured, is still smouldering. This was covered by a risk in the Queensland office for a small amount, and was the property of Messrs Lyall and Son, who at the end of last February had the misfortune to lose their extensive stores and contents in Brougham Place and Bailey Street caused by a fire believed to have been caused by lightning. The firm sent the chaff in Messrs Robertson's stores about 10 days ago, and on Monday made arrangements for its shipment to Queensland the following day.

Messrs Robertson estimate the damage at about £8000. The firm is chief agent for the Union Fire and Accident Insurance Company and the risk was covered in the agency. The firm has been in possession of the property for about nine years, and always regarded the stock safe from fire by sparks from engines working in the railway yards. They are quite at a loss to know how the fire originated. In some quarters it is regarded as the act of an incendiary. The police are inquiring. The recent fire, which occurred at Maguire's shop on the opposite corner, is quoted to supported this assumption; the origin of the outbreak was never discovered. (The rest of the article concerns insurance related matters.)

George Archibald Robertson made a mention of the fire in his personal Cash Book. He noted the value of the building was £685 (a total loss), the value of rolling stock £45 (also a total loss), and the value of the stock £8,230, of which £6470 in value was lost in the fire (£1,760 worth of stock was salvaged). The insurance company paid £6,233.0.9, including for the building and rolling stock, and £5,503.09 for the lost stock.

1920 - John Pettitt joins the company

John Pettitt joined the company in 1920, amalgamating his own (lesser) interests. A further injection of capital of £4,000 from each of the two Robertsons and Pettitt was necessary in 1921. The company was renamed Pettitt Robertson.

Some letterheads from the Pettitt Robertson business 1929 and 1931.

1924 - Purchase of the scow Cathkit

Pettitt Robertson acquired the scow Cathkit in June 1924. The scow was built in New Zealand in 1912 and was originally named Arrah Na Pogue. The Daily Commercial News (Sydney) of 11 June 1924 reported that the scow would be used to carry piles between Tasmania and the mainland.

The Cathkit laden with timber (Source: State Library of Victoria, open access http://handle.slv.vic.gov.au/10381/13861)

On 6 September 1924, the Cathkit left Taranna (near Hobart, Tasmania) bound for Melbourne with a cargo of piles. 54 days later, she appeared 'like a ghost ship, battered and with torn sails, with a weary, starving crew, outside Sydney Heads - 573 miles from her original destination'. They were towed in to Port Jackson on 30 October 1924 where they remained for 10 days. The scow was towed back out on 10 November 1924. Unfortunately, she struck heavy weather, the sails were damaged and the vessel began to leak. On 19 November, the Captain put in to Two Fold Bay where the sailors eventually succeeded in plugging the largest of the holes in the hull. The scow remained at Two Fold Bay until a tug arrived from Melbourne to bring her to port. Stormy weather off Wilson's Promontory delayed the journey. Eventually they reached Geelong on 18 December 1924. (Various newspaper sources).

The Geelong Advertiser of 11 August 1925 reported the following under the banner 'Scow Cathkit to visit Geelong':

Since the scow Cathkit, which is owned by Messers Pettitt, Robertson and Co., made a name for herself by being lost for a few [sic] days in the run from Tasmania to Melbourne with a cargo of timber and subsequently appearing off the New South Wales coast, it has been thoroughly overhauled and put into commission again on its usual run across the Straits. It is likely that she will visit Geelong at an early date to bring a cargo of pile from Melbourne to North Geelong for the Ford wharf. The Cathkit is in charge of a skipper who knows how to handle the scow to advantage and can sail across the Straits with a good wind behind her in less than 24 hours. She has made many trip since she came out of the dock and has never encountered trouble.

Miud 1920s strike?

According to a document in the Robertson family history, there was a 'serious strike' in the mid 1920s at the works. No firm documentary evidence for this event has been found.

1925 - Acquisition of Kara Sawmills, Hampshire

The acquisition of the Cathkit may be related to a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) and Articles of Association dated 1925 relating to the acquisition of The Hampshire Sawmilling Company Proprietary Limited, 'the business of sawmillers carried on at Hampshire, Tasmania under the style or firm of Kara Sawmills'. The directors of this company were John Pettitt, William Croll Robertson, George Archibald Robertson and Percival Alexander Holloway. The capital of the company was said to be £20,000. The business may have acquired the ship to transport wood from Hampshire.

1926 - Pettitt Robertson annual picnic

The Argus of 2 March 1926 reported that Pettitt, Robertson Pty Ltd timber mills held its annual picnic at Queenscliff.

1929 - George Robertson leaves the company

George Archibald Robertson left the company in late 1929 but remained a shareholder. Invoices dated from November 1930 to August 1931 indicate he continued to acquire a range of items from the business.

1930 - Cathkit sold

According to the Daily Commercial News (Sydney) of 19 August 1930, the Cathkit left Melbourne in the tow of the Holyman steamer Wonlora for Hobart. The article notes that 'She was owned by the Cathkit Shipping Co. Ltd and for several years traded between New Zealand and Sydney, but for the last few years [presumably the time when she was owned by Pettitt Robertson) was engaged in the Melbourne-Tasmania trade'.

1932 - Financial issues

On 23 June 1932, George Robertson received a letter from Harwood and Pincott, Solicitors and Notaries of 51 Yarra Street Geelong. The letter stated that it was 'doubted whether Pettitt Robertsons business was hold its own' and they hoped to call the creditors together again. It adds that 'if the properties could be sold for anything like their true value there should be a substantial credit for Pettitt but if they had to be sacrificed by accepting say an offer of 10/- in the £, the creditors would be paid but Pettitt would not receive anything'. The letter also makes reference to Pettitt Bros, said to be 'on a better footing' but 'Pettitt's only income was that which was paid to him as Manager and he did not know how long this would continue'.

On 27 September 1932, George received a further letter from Harwood and Pincott stating that they had written to Mr J Pettitt again on 15th inst but have not heard from him. They noted that they would not take any action at present as they have received notice of a meeting of creditors on 30 September, at which Mr Griffiths hoped to be present.

On 3 October 1932, Harwood and Pincott wrote again to George noting that Mr Griffiths had attended the meeting on Friday 30 September 1932. The letter stated that the Bank, 'owing to the loss it was incurring, did not intend to carry on the business but was quite prepared to consider a scheme for carrying on by the Creditors'. The three largest creditors were stated to be H Watt*, Hawkes Bros* and the Kauri Timber Co*. The letter includes an approximate statement of affairs (with what appears to be George's handwritten notes). The document has two main columns, both of which add up to £40,477 pounds. George wrote different numbers against the typed ones, for example against the £10,574 'stock in trade' George has written '=6000'. Most of the other numbers have lower handwritten notes.

Finally, on 7 October 1932, Pincott and Harwood wrote to George noting that there had been a further meeting of the creditors that day '... at which the Creditors Committee of three tendered their report. They stated that they had gone into the question of carrying on the business but they could not recommend the creditors to put any more money into the business. To carry on they would want a working capital of at least £3000 and this would mean a call of another 3/4 in the £ from the creditors. The Committee stated that they had conferred with the Receiver and he said that he reluctantly agreed with their decision that it was hopeless to endeavour to carry out.'

The letter goes on to state that (the Receiver had) '... roughly set out in pencil what the Committee estimated would be realised on a forced sale by the Bank.' It was noted that '... these figures only total £24,070 which would pay the Bank and preferential creditors and after providing for the Receiver's expenses leave very little for the other creditors.' The letter ends by thanking the Committee for their report, asking them 'to continue and keep in touch with the Bank for the purpose of obtaining the best realisation possible'.

The Robertson business ceased to exist and George lost his investment.

On the back of the letter of 7 October is a handwritten note indicating that George rang Pincott and Harwood on 17 October, and that 'all agree that there would be very little if any for the creditors'. It continues 'JP [John Pettitt] says he has been advised the boys that they more shortly be out on the way [e.g., out of work]. There is also a reference to the Mercer Street Property being important ('all hinges on') the final settlement.

1932 - Sale of Pettitt, Robertson

The Argus of 11 October 1932 carried the following notice:

GEELONG - THIS DAY At Eleven O'Clock at the Mill, Smythe Street, Geelong (off Mercer Street Close Station), EXTENSIVE PLANT OF WOODWORKING MACHINERY, 50 and 25 HP 3-Phase Electric Motors. Underfired Multitubular Boiler, Circular and Band Saw Machines, Columbia Sander, Buzz and Panel Planers, Moulders &c. Under Instructions from the Debenture Holder of PETTITT, ROBERTSON PTY LTD. N.B. - Trains leave Spencer Street Station for Geelong at 6.30, 8.20 and 9.25 AM. 400 Lots. J W Styles and Son, Auctioneers, 340 Collins Street, Cent. 4265-66.

1936 - Auction Sale of Properties

The Age of 24 February 1936 carried the following notice:

SPECIAL NOTICE - GEELONG PROPERTIES - In the matter of PETTITT, ROBERTSON PTY LTD and PETTITT BROS PTY LTD. The Auction Sale of Geelong Properties Advertised in The Age on Saturday 22nd inst., will take place on FRIDAY NEXT 28th Inst., Commencing at Half-past 2 o'Clock and Not on Saturday, 29th Inst., as stated. NORMAN BELCHER and Co., Auctioneer, 101-103 Ryrie Street, Geelong.

1937 - H Watt's timber establishment

According to a note in The Age of 2 January 1937, H Watt appears to have taken over the Pettitt Robertson business on the corner of Mercer and Bayley streets, as a 'timber establishment'.

Page created 11 December 2011, updated 13 April 2022. Copyright Andrew Warland. (andrewwarland(at)gmail.com)