Other Warlands in the United States
Some of the information on this page is derived from the website sortedbyname.com. The source/s of the information, and how these individuals connect with others in the United States, is not yet known. For other Warlands in the United States, including Warlands from the UK and Norway, go to this page.
- Andrew L Warland married Bertha Larson on 8 August 1870 in La Salle County, Illinois
- Jessie O Warland (17 September 1871 - 15 March 1966, poss Michigan)
- George F Warland married Bertha Pyritz on 30 January 1886 in Cook County, Illinois
- Frances Warland (15 January 1882 - July 1972, poss Michigan. Possibly son of John and Mary Ann Warland
- Rosa Warland (1 July 1891 - 8 September 1991, poss Wisconsin)
- Annie Warland (29 March 1893 - October 1971)
- John Warland (30 March 1894 - August 1966, poss Connecticut)
- Fred Warland (21 August 1894 - September 1967, New York). Almost certainly Queenie Warland's husband
- Sarah Warland (17 February 1895 - December 1978, poss Connecticut.
- Marian Warland (20 November 1902 - April 1978, poss Connecticut)
- Joseph Gornell Warland (26 June 1903 - 10 April 1985, Olmsted County, Minnesota). Mother's maiden name was Haggen
- George Warland (23 May 1906 - August 1978, poss California)
- George Stanley Warland (23 May 1908, Jarrow, UK - ). Employed as a labourer by the Colorado and Southern Railway Co
- Kathryn Warland (17 April 1913 - March 1976, poss California)
- R K (Robert Kenneth?) Warland (21 October 1915 - 9 February 2013, poss Michigan)
- Robert Warland (2 June 1917 - July 1972, poss Connecticut)
- John E Warland (23 August 1917 - 16 November 1996, poss Connecticut)
- Doris L Warland (19 October 1918 - 26 July 2003, poss Connecticut)
- John R Warland (9 May 1921 - 5 December 2012, poss Michigan)
- Onlea Rose Warland (1 November 1922 - 9 August 2008, poss Michigan)
- Edward G Warland (10 February 1923 - 27 October 1998, poss Connecticut)
- Elizabeth S Warland (9 March 1924 - 1 May 2002, poss Connecticut)
- Frederick Leonard Warland (27 March 1925 - 15 October 1990, Hennepin County, Minnesota). Frederick was the son of a woman whose surname was Kellermann. Lived or died in Wisconsin based on Social Security information
- Eva F Warland (5 November 1925 - 24 April 1993, poss Minnesota)
- Janet L Warland (28 December 1925 - 25 February 2009, poss Connecticut)
- Elizabeth Warland married James W Stevenson on 31 December 1931 in Genesee County, Michigan
- Ruth E Warland married Vance W Eaddee in 1974 in Queens, New York.
Page created 14 October 2018, last updated 9 April 2020. Copyright © Andrew Warland. (andrewwarland(at)gmail.com)