Note: Some of the information below was provided by Mary Jane Cole in 1996.
Edmund Warland was the son of Edmund (possibly Samuel) Warland (1771 - 1839) and Elizabeth Smith.
Edmund Warland met and married his wife Sarah nee Cornford some time before 1836. They arrived in Tasmania in 1837, with one child (see below). Edmund Warland was the younger brother of Thomas Warland who migrated to New South Wales in March 1845.
Edmund and Sarah had the following children:
Edmund's brother Thomas Warland migrated to Australia in 1845 with his wife Rebecca.
An Edmund Warland, 'a servant of Mr Sinclairs' was reported in the Launceston Advertiser of 8 April 1841 giving evidence about a missing bucket. This suggests - but is not confirmed - that Edmund's initial work in Launceston was to work as a servant of some sort.
Edmund Warland placed several advertisements in the Launceston Examiner from December 1843 to February 1844 stating that he had rented the Milford Mill and that a 'first class smutting machine' would shortly be completed and available to the public for milling purposes.
The Hobart Town Daily Mercury of 21 May 1858 ran an article on a divorce case before the courts at the time. It was noted that Emily Warland (born 1844, so 14 at the time) was working as a servant.
According to the Launceston Examiner of 9 January 1862 (and again 6 February 1862, Edmund Warland had relinquished two leases of 500 acres at George's River and 1000 acres at George's River and Power's Rivulet near the north-east coast of Tasmania, near what is now Goulds Country. These two areas of crown land were available for rent under the provision of 'The Waste Lands Act'. It seems that Edmund had decided not to remain on the land and instead moved to and was appointed (among other things) as the postmaster of the post office at Goshen, not far to the west of his former property.
Edmund and Sarah Warland's daughter, also Sarah Warland, married Isaac Chapple (also recorded as Chapel)(27 June 1843, Bishopsbourne, Longford, Tasmania - 9 June 1906, Goshen, Portland, Tasmania (Tas BDM Ref 1311) on 17 September 1862 in Public House, Fingal, Tasmania. Isaac was the son of Isaac Chapple (1809, Somerset) and Susanna Pain Francis (11 November 1811, Somerset, England - ). Sarah and Isaac Chapple had 8 daughters and one son (see below for source):
Source of the above list of children:
The Launceston Examiner reported that Edmund Warland was the licencee of the 'Oxford Arms' hotel at Goschen [sic], on 11 December 1869.
Edmund Warland was recorded at Goshen in the Mercury (Hobart) of 22 July 1870. He lived there until his death in 1900.
Edmund and Sarah Warland's daughter Emily Warland (born 1844) married George William Richards on 28 October 1876 in Fingal, Tasmania. They had four children.
Edmund's wife, Sarah Warland (nee Cornford), died on 17 January 1878 at St Helens, Tasmania. There is no apparent death notice in the newspapers at that time.
A William Warland of George's Bay appeared in The Mercury (Hobart) of 31 January 1882 in relation to the mining activities of the Clio Tin Mining Company. It is not yet known who this person is; he may be linked with Henry Spencer Warland and family who arrived in 1884.
The Tasmanian (Launceston) of 28 November 1885 ran an advertisement regarding the sale, by auction, of four building allotments under instruction from Edmund Warland. The allotments were described as being situated in the township of Perth, '3 having frontages on George Street of 134 links respectively, by a depth of 420 links, and one having a frontage on Fairtlough Street of 140 links by a depth of 300 links'. All were said to be within a short distance of the railway station.
The Mercury (Hobart) of 14 April 1886 noted that Isaac Chapple had nominated his father in law Edmund Warland of Goshen as a trustee for the Gould's Country Road District.
The Mercury (Hobart) of 12 February 1887 ran an article titled 'A Trip to Upper George's River Settlement', by 'an occasional correspondent'. The article stated the following:
Leaving George's Bay in a north-westerly direction we pass over very poor gravelly land which grows heath and button grass, ironbark and peppermint, with several kinds of dwarf accacias. This continues over a tolerably good road for about eight miles till arriving at Goshen, where there are three nice flat farms on the George's River. The first farm, Goshen, is over a thousand acres, and is owned by Mr. Edmund Warland; the next is owned by Mr. William Nisbet, and the farm on the north side of the river is owned by Mr. Isaac Chapple. All three farms are worked for dairy purposes, and grain and potatoes are grown, and sheep reared. Here we crossed the George's River, over a very good bridge, constructed after plans by the late Mr. Human, and travel through another stretch of poor land till we arrive at the Groom bridge, which is ten miles from George's Bay.
The following article appeared in The Colonist (Launceston) of 2 February 1889:
GOSHEN. On the road from George's Bay to Gould's Country is the first piece of agricultural land you come to along the road. It was settled upon as far back as 1857 by the present proprietor and principal settler, Mr Edmund Warland, who purchased the estate (860 acres) from the original grantee, Sir Frederick Lewis Steiglitz, to whom it was granted by a late governor, Colonel Arthur. It was then a dense scrub, with very heavy timber. Now, all the flats have been cleared, a comfortable homestead built, good fences put up, and crops and grass are growing where it was an impenetrable scrub. Mr Warland has a large crop of oats and wheat, which have a very healthy appearance. The property is well watered by the George River and Princess Rivulet, also having excellent springs near the house for domestic purposes. Dairying is mainly carried on by Mr Wurland, who believes in the Devon for his purpose, they being hardier than either Hereford or Ayrshire. The orchard has suffered much from the frosts and drought. Mr Warland, who hails from Oxfordshire, is 81 years of age, and is hail and hearty, is fond of a yarn of old times, and daily inspects his property. Mr Isaac Chapple, his son-in-law, adjoins with a fine farm of 254 acres, having also river frontage with rich flats. The crops looked excellent and will give good results. Dairying is also carried on here, butter-making chiefly, which brings a good market price. Mr Chappie has extensive and well-built premises. He also goes in for pig raising, principally the Berkshire. His family chiefly do all the work in connection with the dairy. Mr Chappie is also a local preacher, and takes great interest in the Sunday school and general good of the district. Mr W Nesbitt's Eden Farm, of over 200 acres, completes the settlement. Mr Nesbitt is a cheese maker, and turns out an excellent grocer's cheese, or what is termed a counter cheese; Mr Nesbitt has some good flats, well watered by the George, with a well furnished homestead, garden, etc. The cheese-house and dairy premises deserve special mention for their cleanliness and perfect arrangements. As with Mr Chapple, the family do all their own work of the dairy. The Misses Nesbitt have great taste in the working of sea shells and bird-stuffing and general fancy work, some of which was creditable in the extreme, and worthy of specialists in the art. The settlement, though small, comprises about 1300 acres of good land capable by irrigation of great improvement, having the water at hand. Doubtless when the settlers recover the effects of the last two very bad seasons it will receive their attention. I leave here for the George's River Settlement, about 12 miles distant, where I learn there is some splendid land taken up.
Edmund Warland died at Goshen on 3 February 1900. According to The Mercury (Hobart) of 5 February 1900, Mr Warland was 'a very old resident' who died at Goshen, Gould's Country' at the age of 91. His daughter Sarah Chapple of Springfield placed an 'In Memoriam' notice in the Examiner (Launceston) on 13 March 1903, in memory of her father
Your voice is now silent, your heart is now cold. The smile and the welcome that met us of old. I miss thee, I mourn thee in silence unseen. And dwell on the memories of days that have been'
Edmond [sic] Warland gave 88 pounds to Thomas Treloggen in his will, according to the Examiner (Launceston) of 23 May 1900.
Edmund and Sarah Warland's daughter Alice Warland (born 9 February 1842) also died in 1900. In her will she gave 88 pounds to Emily Richards, possibly her sister.
The Examiner (Launceston) of 16 June 1906 ran an article titled 'Death of an Old Identity' as follows:
On Saturday at the residence of his son, at Priory, St. Helen's, died Mr. Isaac Chapple, at the age of 63. Deceased was perhaps more highly respected than any other resident of the north-east coast of Tasmania. His first appearance on the east coast dates back 53 years, when at the age of 10 years he was employed by the late Mr. Treloggen, of St. Helen's. Being an energetic and trustworthy lad, he soon became a great favourite at Marthavale, and at the age of 19 he rented a farm from his old master and married the eldest daughter of Mr. E. Warland, of St. Helen's. Here he cultivated wheat and oats, and succeeded in making enough money to select and open up a farm at Goshen. He was the first settler in this district, and as there was, at that time, no farmer within 10 miles of his home, and only a bush track to St. Helen's, he had much uphill work, more especially as there was no market in the district for grain or dairy produce. This had to be carted to St. Mary's, a distance of 30 miles. At that time farmers knew nothing about scrubbing and sowing on the burnt ground, and owing to expensive methods of farming, followed by bad times and a long illness, as a result of which he had to go under an operation in Melbourne, he lost that splendid farm known as Hope Review, at Goshen. In 1894 deceased left the Goshen district, and went to reside at Springfield, where he rented a farm from the late Mr. W. Lade, of Scottsdale. In the year 1901, some rich ground was discovered near Springfield, and Mr. W. R. Rattray, jun., of Pyengana (deceased's grandson), who was anxious that his grandfather should get a fresh start, selected for him 100 acres of land -the cream of the district. This has since, been scrubbed and grassed. About four weeks ago deceased lost his wife, and the shock, combined with a severe jolting in the coach between Scottsdale and Derby, while journeying to St. Helen's, brought on the illness that terminated his career. he leaves one son and five daughters - Mr. Abel Chapple (Priory, St. Helen's), Mrs. W. A. Rattray (Myrtlevale, Pyengana), Mrs. James Britten (of St. Helen's), Mrs. A. M'Guiness (River Valley, Gould's Country), Mrs. S. Ransom, jun. (Creekside, Springfield), and Mrs. Joseph Ransom, jun. (Pleasant Banks, Springfield); also several grandchildren and great-grand-children. On Sunday he was followed to his last resting place. The funeral procession was the largest that has ever been seen on the East Coast of Tasmania, and was proof of the place deceased occupied in the affections of the people. The warmest sympathy is felt for the children and grandchildren in their sad bereavement.
The Daily Telegraph (Launceston) of 4 February 1928 noted the following in an article titled 'Coast Pioneers - Early Estates - Farming in Seventies': Richard and Charles Terry, with their father, settled at "Terry Vale." where Mr McAuliff now reigns supreme as a farmer, grazier and mine owner of no small magnitude. John Clifford, who recorded his century, took up a selection on the north bank of the George's River, at Priory, while, the Richards family established themselves on the south bank. In both instances, their family successors still occupy the premises. Warland acquired "The Goshen," and established an hotel, the Oxford Arms. W. Nesbit and Isaac Chapple picked, up the remainder of the fertile valley of the George, and later J. Ronier and F. 0. Anderson established themselves there.
Page created June 2008, updated 8 April 2020. Copyright © Andrew Warland. (andrewwarland(at)