Henry Warland (bap 23 September 1797, Wimborne Minster - 25 June 1881) was the sixth child and third son of Robert Warland (1759 - 1821) and Sarah Stickland (? -1821).
It appears that Henry Warland decided or had the opportunity to leave Wimborne Minster in or before 1821 when he was around 24. Henry's father, Robert Warland, died (by suicide) in 1821. Probate documents for Robert refer to Sarah, his wife, as well as two of their three sons, John Warland (1785 - ?) a carpenter, and Henry Warland a draper of 4 Milk Street in Cheapside, City of London. Between 1821 and 1826, Henry became involved in the silk trade in London.
At some point between 1821 and 1829, Henry Warland met Ann/Anne Roberts. The birthplace of Ann Johnson (1800 - December 1877) is not known. Ann is believed to have married Richard Roberts at London on 5 February 1822. It is not known if they had any children. Richard died sometime after they were married, however it is not possible to identify when or where he died - there are many records of a Richard Roberts dying from 1822 to 1829.
The 'Bankrupt Directory: Being a Complete Register of all the Bankrupts' published in 1843 by George Elwick, records that Henry Warland, 'a silk warehouseman of Lad Lane (next to) Wood Street' (now part of Gresham Street, Cheapside, London), was declared bankrupt on 25 February 1826. It is not known if this is the same Henry, but his connection with the silk industry suggests this may be possible.
Note that the unrelated Thomas Warland (born 1803 - died ? Australia?), from the Oxford line of the Warland family, also worked in the silk business at Spital and can also been seen in newspaper and other reports from the late 1820s and early 1830s.
It is not known exactly when Henry arrived in Macclesfield, but it was presumably to further his own or other's business opportunities in that location given his background in the silk trade in London. In this regard, note that when Warland and R Edmonds split company in 1839, there is a reference to Trump Street in Cheapside, London. Macclesfield was once the world's biggest producer of finished silk and in 1832 it had 71 silk mills. Based on the date of his wedding to Anne Roberts, he was almost certainly in Macclesfield by 1828.
Henry married the widow (as noted in the records) Anne Roberts (nee Johnstone) at Prestbury, Cheshire, on 4 February 1829. Henry and Ann Warland had the following children, all born in Macclesfield, Cheshire.
Henry Warland's silk manufacturing business almost certainly employed children as young as 6, common with most of the silk businesses at the time. Children were employed in various capacities including silk throwing, described below in 1841:
Silk throwing was originally a hand process relying on a turning a wheel (the gate) that twisted four threads while a helper who would be a child, ran the length of a shade, hooked the threads on stationary pins (the cross) and ran back to start the process again. ... Supposing the master to make twelve rolls a day, the boy necessarily runs fourteen miles, and this is barefooted.
A drawing depicting how children were employed in 'silk throwing'
A report was commissioned in 1833 by 'the Central Board of His Majesty's Commissioners for inquiring into the Employment of Children in Factories' and 'the propriety and means of curtailing the hours of their labour'. A question asked by the Commissioners collecting evidence was whether Lord Ashley's proposed Bill would have any effect on the silk establishments. Ashley's bill effectively was a repeat of Sadler's Bill of 1832 which provided for a ban on nightwork up to 21; no child under nine was to be employed; and the working day for under-eighteens was to be no more than ten hours (eight on Saturday).
The report included a summary under the title 'Answers from Macclesfield dated 8 June 1833 in which it stated (at page 23) that 'the silk trade has been for the last eight or nine years the subject of continual change, and each change has been, we conceive, prejudicial to those concerned'. It concluded that 'the hours and nature of working in silk mills have not been hurtful to the health of the people employed in them nor to their morals ... and no necessity exists for any legislative interference on this subject'. In other words, the silk manufacturers of Macclesfield felt that a 12 hour working day for children was working well and did not need to be changed.
On the very next page is a statement from a number of silk manufacturers, including Henry Warland, in response to the question 'What effect would a restriction on the moving-power have on the silk establishments'. The reply states the following:
In many establishments it is the practice to run a part of the machinery for different periods of time, after the workpeople leave their works, without any hands being left to attend to it. This is considered to be a great advantage, of which they would, of course, be entirely deprived by the enactment of such a clause. We believe such an employment of machinery is not practicable in the other great manufactories'.
Below this statement is one that states the effect would be 'very prejudicial', noting the distinction between manual labour-intensive cotton and machinery-based silk establishments.
On page 24, the report notes that if children under nine years of age are employed, '... it will throw out of employment a great number of such children in this town and neighbourhood, and (as their work is preparatory), by consequence a considerable proportion of adults. The immediate effect of such a restriction would be the stopping of a proportion of the machinery and a considerable increase of the poor rates.'
The document further notes that '... the silk trade of this country has for some time past been in a very distressed state, owing to the silk-throwsters and manufacturers having to compete with those of France and other countries'.
Possibly connected with the general downturn in the silk industry, a notice appeared in The London Gazette in 1839 as follows:
Notice is hereby given, that the Partnership lately subsisting between us the undersigned, Richard Edmonds, Henry Warland, and Thomas Thornborrow Fawcett, lately carrying on business as silk manufacturers and merchants, at Macclesfield, in the county of Cheshire, at Leigh, in the county of Lancaster, and of Trump Street, Cheapside, in the city of London, and carried on under the style or form of R Edmonds and Co, was this day dissolved by mutual consent. Witness our hands this 27th day of Juy 1839. Signed: R. Edmonds, H Warland, T T Fawcett
It would appear that Henry Warland then established his own company with at least one other partner.
Henry Warland's third cousin, William Henry Warland, was the first Warland in Australia in 1823.
William Henry Warland left the colony of New South Wales in around July or August 1841 to travel to England, arriving in November 1841. While in England, William Henry Warland married Susannah Clark in Farnham, Surrey.
While in England, William Henry Warland made contact with his third cousin Henry Warland in Macclesfield. Henry Warland lent William Henry Warland £1,200 via a mortgage on 960 acres of land granted to William. The following is the text of the letter (reference 6-812 in historical documents - see the link to William Henry Warland above for more information), registered at the Registrar General's office in Sydney on his return.
Know all men by these presents that I, William Henry Warland at present residing in Norfolk Street in the Parish of Saint Clement Dane in the County of Middlesex, Merchant but shortly about to proceed to New South Wales am held and firmly bound to Henry Warland of Macclesfield in the County of Chester Silk Manufacturer in the (final?) sum of one thousand two hundred pounds of good and lawful money of Great Britain to be paid to the said Henry Warland or his certain attorney executors administrators or assigns for which payment to be (well?) and faithfully made. I bind myself my heirs executors and administrators firmly by these presents sealed with my seal dated this nineteenth day of October in the fifth year of the reign of Our Sovereign Lady Victoria by the Grace of God of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Queen by the Grace of God Defender of the Faith and in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty one [1841].
The condition of this obligation is such that if the above (bounder?) William Henry Warland his heirs executors or administrators shall and do well and truly pay or cause to be paid unto the above named Henry Warland his executors administrators or assigns the full sum of six hundred pounds of lawful money of Great Britain with lawful interest for the same after the rate of five pounds per centium per annum or the nineteenth day or April one thousand eight hundred and forty two [1842] then this obligation to be void or else to be and remain in full force and virtue and by way of further security the said William Henry Warland doth hereby charge his lands and hereditaments in Brisbane County in New South Wales with this payment of the said principal sum and interest and doth hereby declare that the said Henry Warland his executors administrators and assigns shall be considered as an equitable mortgage therefore and doth hereby engage that upon demand by the said Henry Warland his executors administrators or assigns they will execute to him or them a legal mortgage of the said lands and hereditaments with all usual powers of sale (etc?) and make do and perfect all such acts and deeds matters and things as the said Henry Warland his executors administrators or assigns may required for the purpose aforesaid.
Signed sealed and delivered by the above (bounder?) William Henry Warland in the presence of J Norton, 24 May 1844, Sydney, in the Colony of New South Wales.
James Norton the Younger of Sydney in the Coloney of New South Wales gentleman and James Norton the Elder of the same place gentleman severally make oath and say and (first?) this Deponent the said James Norton original deed the same having been carefully examined by this Deponent and this Deponent the said James Norton the elder for himself saith that the signature of 'WH Warland' is of the proper hand writing of the said William Henry Warland above named. Sworn at Sydney aforesaid this twenty ninth day of May AD1844 (Signed J Norton), before me William Carter, Registrar General.
This loan was repaid by William Henry Warland in August 1857 - see below for details.
Henry and Anne Warland were recorded in the 1841 census living at Waters Green, Macclesfield with their children listed above. Henry Warland was recorded as a partner in the company Warland, Condon and Co, Silk Manufacturers in the same location.
Henry Warland's first cousin Eliza Harris (nee Warland) (1810 - ) and her husband Thomas Harris migrated to Sydney in 1844.
In 1848, Slaters Cheshire Directory recorded the company of 'Warland, Condon and Co, Waters Green, Macclesfield, Silk Manufacturers'. Sometime soon after, the family appears to have moved to London.
In the 1851 census, Henry Warland, a silk merchant, along with his wife Ann, their daughter Annie and their sons Edward Warland and Philip Warland are recorded in Surrey, London. Their son Henry is recorded as a shop assistant in Middlesex, London. The location of William Warland is not known.
The 18 year old Edward Warland left for Australia in 1853. For details of his life there, see this page.
Henry Warland migrated to Melbourne, Victoria in 1855. Philip Christopher Warland and family would connect with and have ongoing contact with Henry and his family in Melbourne.
Henry Warland appears to have moved to Surrey by 1857. The following is the text of a 'Release' document (Book 51, Number 797) stating that William Henry Warland paid back his third cousin Henry Warland in August 1857. (Source: NSW Land Registry Services, General Registers of Deeds (Old System Deeds))
To all to whom these presents shall come, I Henry Warland late of No 26 Brighton Terrace Buxton Hill in the County of Surrey Gentleman send greetings. Whereas the sum of six hundred pounts mentioned in the within Bond with all interest for the same hath been paid and satisified unto me the said Henry Warland in full discharge of the said Bond or Obligation. Now know ye that I the said Henry Warland for the considerations aforesaid do dhereby remise release and quit claim unto the said William Henry Warland his heirs executors and administrators as well the said within written Bond or Obligation as all such sums of money as are therein mentioned to be due and payable unto me the said Henry Warland my executors administrators or assigns and all interest in respect therefore. And further for the considerations aforesaid I do hereby also release and quit claim unto William Henry Warland his heirs appointees executors administrators and assigns all and every charge lien or interest which I have or have had upon or in the within mentioned lands and herditaments in Brisbane County in New South Wales aforesaid and also all actions suits accounts reckonings and demands whatsoever for or on account or in respect of the within written Bond or Obligation or the monies intended to have been thereby secured. (Word) my hand and seal the twelfth day or August one thousand eight hundred and fifty seven.
Signed sealed and delivered by the above named Henry Warland in the presence of Laundy Walters, Solicitor, 36 Basinghall Street, London.
Sydney in the Colony of New South Wales. To wit: Edward Wise McKenny of Redfern near the City of Sydney clear to Messieurs Allen and Bowden Solicitors being duly sworn maketh oath and saith that the above is a true copy of the original Release endorsed on a Bond or Obligation and Equitable Mortgage made between the same persons as are parties hereto bearing date the ninth day of October one thousand eight hundred and forty one and registered on the ... month ... day of 1841 (words crossed out) And that the name H Warland lastly above written is the signature of William Henry Warland one of the parties to the said original release sworn at Sydney this twenty first day of October AD 1857 before me Edward W McKenny. Thomas James Jaques Deputy Registrar of Deeds.
Received into the Office of the Registrar General at Sydney this 21st day of October AD1857 at 10 minutes to four o'clock in the afternoon from Edward Wise McKenny (Signed Thos Jas Jaques Deputy Registrar).
Three of the children 'returned' to their father's home county of Dorset by 1861. On 26 March 1861, Henry Warland junior, a linen draper and tailor, married Elizabeth Dodson (1835 - 22 March 1871), the daughter of Henry Dodson (a builder) at Melcombe Regis Parish Church, Weymouth, Dorset. In the 1861 census, Henry and Elizabeth Warland were recorded living at 15 Cornhill Street, Dorchester, Dorset with Henry's sister Annie Warland, as well as as a housekeeper and five other people working in Henry's employment. Henry's brother William Warland, a draper, is also recorded in the same county.
Neither Henry Warland senior (born 1797) nor his wife Ann appear in the 1861 census for England. Perhaps they were not in the country at the time.
Henry and Elizabeth Warland moved to Bourton-on-the-Water by 1864 and had the following children. It appears that they then moved to Bexley in Kent where their son Albert was born
In 1867, Henry Warland senior's younger brother, the 27 year old Philip Christopher Warland, left England for Australia, settling in Victoria. Philip's older brother Edward Warland was already settled in New South Wales. It is not known if Philip was in contact with Edward but it seems likely. Philip was definitely in contact with his first cousin Henry Warland who had arrived in Melbourne in 1855.
Elizabeth Warland (nee Dodson), the wife of Henry Warland (1830 - 1876) died at The Village, Bexley, on 22 April 1871 of congestive fever 'with abortion'.
The 1871 census shows Henry Warland's family, less Elizabeth Warland, in High Street, Bexley Village, Kent. The boys are shown as: Henry T Warland (aged 6), William Warland (aged 5), and Albert Warland (aged 1), their birthplace showing as Gloucestshire.
Henry's mother Anne Warland (now aged 71) is also recorded in the same location. One Alice Warland, aged 59 from Oxfordshire, is also recorded, but she is not believed to be connected with Henry's family.
Henry Warland senior (born 1797) appears to be in Surrey possibly living with or visiting his son William Warland who is recorded in Surrey.
At some point Henry Warland (born 1830) appears to have taken his boys (or perhaps just the two older ones) to live in London. He died at the age of 46 at 49 Jewin St, London on 16 March 1876, of acute pneumonia (for 10 days). This left the three boys (Henry, aged 12; William, aged 11; Albert, aged 7, without parents.
Henry's will was proved by Henry's brother William Warland of No 51 Westbourne Park Crescent, Paddington, in the County of Middlesex, Commercial Traveller and William Day of No 2 Harbour Road, Cold Harbour Lane in the County of Surrey, Hosier. His will read as follows:
This is the last Will and Testament of me Henry Warland of No 49 Jewin Street in the City of London, Commercial Traveller. Subject to the payment of my just debts funeral and tesamentary expences I give and bequeath all and singluar my personal estate and effects whatsover and wheresoever unto my brother William Warland of Artesian Road, Westbourne Park in the County of Middlesex, Commercial Traveller, and William Day of No 2, Harbour Road Cold Harbour Lane, Camberwell in the County of Surrey Hosier their executors administrators and assigns upon trust to divide the same unto and equally between my sons Henry Thomas Warland, William Edward Warland and Albert John Warland on their attaining the age of twenty one years. And I hereby empower my said executors at any time during their minority to apply the whole or so much of the share or shares to which he or they may be entitled as may be deemed necessary in and for the maintenance and education of my said children and invest the remainder upon Government or other good security. But if either of my said children shall die before he or they shall have received the whole of his share, then I direct such share or so much thereof as shall remain unapplied for the purposes aforesaid to be equally divided between the survivors. I hereby appoint my said Brother William Warland and William Day the Executors of this my will and hereby revoking all former wills by me at any time heretofore made (if any). I declare this to be my last will and testament. In witness whereof the said Henry Warland, the testator* (in margin: have hereunto set my hand this fourteenth day of [June?] one thousand eight hundred and seventy five - Henry Warland - signed by the said Henry Warland the testator] as and for his last will and testament in the presence of us at his rquest in his presence and in the presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses. John Skerratt, 5 Fredericks Place, Denmark Road, Camberwell, Solicitors Clerk. Joseph Day, Warehouseman, 1 Harrior [Warrior?] Road, Camberwell.
After Henry Warland (born 1830) died in 1876, his sons Henry Thomas Warland and William Edward Warland moved to Brighton to live with their grandfather and aunt Anne Warland at 19 Buckingham Street, Brighton. It is understood (from descendents) that Albert John Warland, aged only 7, went to live with the Powell family in Bourne Lane, Bexley.
Ann Warland (born 1800), the wife of Henry Warland (born 1797), died at Brighton, Sussex, in December 1877.
In the 1881 census, members of the family are recorded as living at 19 Buckingham St, Brighton, as follows:
In the same census, William Warland (Henry's twin born in 1830) was (still) recorded as a linen draper in Middlesex.
Henry Warland (born 1797) died soon after the 1881 census, leaving his daughter Anne to care for the two boys.
Henry ('Harry') Thomas Warland may have worked as a clerk to the builder Henry Dodson, his mother's father. He remained in Brighton for the rest of his life.
William Edward Warland migrated to Australia in 1887.
Albert John Warland migrated to Australia in 1884 initially in the care of his uncle Philip Christopher Warland.
The brothers were reunited in 1923 for the last time when Albert Warland returned to the UK with his daughters (see below).
Click the links above for the stories of each brother.
It is not yet known exactly when William Warland, Henry's twin brother born in 1830, died but it is believed to be in 1887 in Edmonton District, Middlesex as he is not referred to in his sister Anne's will below. As far as is known, he had no family.
Henry Warland's sister, Anne (or Annie) Warland (1831 - 1891) never married and died in the third quarter (July to September) of 1891. At her death, she was living at the family home at 19 Buckingham Street, Brighton. The text of her will is repeated below:
This is the last Will and Testament of me, Anne Warland of Number 19 Buckingham Street, Brighton in the County of Sussex, Spinster. I give to my nephew Henry Thomas Warland my silver tea service, drawing room furniture, marble block and piano. Also my watch and books. I give my dressing base and its contents to my niece Kate Warland. I give, devise and bequeath all my real estate and all my personal estate whatsoever and wheresoever unto my nephew Henry Thomas Warland, his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns now residing with me then trust as soon as conveniently may be after my decease to sell my real estate and to convert my personal etate as shall not consist of money at the time of my decease and to stand possessed of the monies to arise from such sale and conversion and also of my ready money herinafter called my trust funds in trust to pay the following legacies to my nephews the said Henry Thomas Warland, William Edward Warland and Albert John Warland each one hundred pounds. To Elizabeth the widow of my brother fifty pounds. To my cousin Sarah Anne Warland ten pounds. I also give to her my wearing apparel. And as to the residue of my said trust funds upon trust to divide the same unto and equally between my two Brothers Edward Warland of Tinga, New South Wales and Philip Christopher Warland share and share alike absolutely and I appoint my said nephew Henry Thomas Warland, Executor of this my will and lastly I revoke all other wills. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand this seventh day of June, one thousand eight hundred and eight eight.
Signed by the said Anne Warland (the testatrix) as and for her last will and testament in the presence of us present at the same time who at her request in her presence and in the presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses, the erasure commencingwith the Pronoun 'I' and ending with the word trouble having been previously made.
Wilson A Stuckey, Sol Brighton
Frederick Chapman, Clerk to Messrs Stuckey son + Pope Solicitors Brighton
Proved at Lewes the 22nd day of September 1891 by the oath of Henry Thomas Warland the nephew the sole Executor to whom administration was granted. The Testatrix Anne Warland was late of No 19 Buckingham Street, Brighton in the County of Sussex, spinster and died on the twentieth day of August 1891 at No 19 Buckingham Street aforesaid.
Gross amount £1,139.14.8
Net . £1,107.8.2
Stuckey Son + Pope, Solicitors, Brighton
I certify this to be a true copy
Page created 8 April 2013, updated 16 August 2018. Copyright © Andrew Warland. (andrewwarland(at)gmail.com)